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Functions in ACL 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
acl_add_nodes ./acl.module Provide access control to all nodes selected by a subquery, based upon an ACL id. 1
acl_add_user ./acl.module Add the specified UID to an ACL. 1
acl_create_acl ./acl.module Create a new ACL. 3
acl_delete_acl ./acl.module Delete an existing ACL. 1
acl_edit_form ./acl.module Provide a form to edit the ACL that can be embedded in other forms.
acl_edit_form_get_user_list ./ Decode and return the list of users. 2
acl_get_ids_by_user ./acl.module Get an array of acl_ids held by a user.
acl_get_id_by_figure ./acl.module Get the id of an ACL by figure. 1
acl_get_id_by_name ./acl.module Get the id of an ACL by name (+ optionally figure). 3
acl_get_uids ./acl.module Get the uids of an ACL. 1
acl_has_user ./acl.module Determine whether an ACL has a specific assigned user. 1
acl_has_users ./acl.module Determine whether an ACL has some assigned users. 1
acl_node_access_explain ./acl.module Implements hook_node_access_explain().
acl_node_access_records ./acl.module Implements hook_node_access_records().
acl_node_add_acl ./acl.module Provide access control to a node based upon an ACL id. 1
acl_node_add_acl_record ./acl.module Provide access control to a node based upon an ACL id. 1
acl_node_clear_acls ./acl.module Clear all of a module's ACLs from a node. 1
acl_node_delete ./acl.module Implements hook_node_delete().
acl_node_grants ./acl.module Implements hook_node_grants().
acl_node_remove_acl ./acl.module Remove an ACL completely from a node. 1
acl_node_test_enabled tests/modules/acl_node_test/acl_node_test.module Implements hook_enabled().
acl_node_test_node_access_records tests/modules/acl_node_test/acl_node_test.module Implements hook_node_access_records().
acl_node_test_node_access_records_alter tests/modules/acl_node_test/acl_node_test.module Implements hook_node_access_records_alter().
acl_node_test_node_grants tests/modules/acl_node_test/acl_node_test.module Implements hook_node_grants().
acl_node_test_node_grants_alter tests/modules/acl_node_test/acl_node_test.module Implements hook_node_grants_alter().
acl_node_test_node_presave tests/modules/acl_node_test/acl_node_test.module Implements hook_node_presave().
acl_remove_all_users ./acl.module Remove all users from an ACL.
acl_remove_user ./acl.module Remove the specified UID from an ACL. 1
acl_save_form ./ Write the results of a form.
acl_schema ./acl.install Implements hook_schema().
acl_user_cancel ./acl.module Implements hook_user_cancel().
hook_acl_explain ./acl.api.php Explain what your ACL grant records mean.
hook_enabled ./acl.api.php Inform ACL module that the client module is enabled.
testNodeAclAddAndRemoveNode src/Tests/AclTest.php Included acl_node_delete
testNodeAclAddAndRemoveUser src/Tests/AclTest.php Included acl_user_cancel
testNodeAclPermissionCheck src/Tests/AclTest.php Includes independ check of the permissions by checking the grants table AND by trying to view the node as a unauthorised user and an authorized user for each of the 3 use cases (view, edit, delete)
_acl_edit_form ./ Implementation of acl_edit_form(). 1
_acl_edit_form_after_build ./ Process a form that had our buttons on it. 1
_acl_format_account_name ./acl.module Helper function to format an account name. 1
_acl_get_explanation ./acl.module Helper function to ask the client for its interpretation of the given grant record. 1

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