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Functions in Account Sync 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
account_sync_allowed_roles ./account_sync.module Find all roles that have the account sync permission. 3
account_sync_menu ./account_sync.module Implements hook_menu().
account_sync_permission ./account_sync.module Implements hook_permission().
account_sync_receiver_settings ./ Settings form for the receiver. 1
account_sync_sender_settings ./ Settings form for the sender. 1
account_sync_send_update ./ Send an account update to all target sites. 2
account_sync_servers ./account_sync.module Allow modules to hook into hook_account_sync_servers($url, $account). 1 2
account_sync_settings ./ FAPI callback for the admin settings form. 1
account_sync_sso_goto account_sync_sso/account_sync_sso.module Redirect the user to the server they wish to login at. 1
account_sync_sso_login account_sync_sso/account_sync_sso.module Login the specified user. 1
account_sync_sso_login_generate_url account_sync_sso/account_sync_sso.module Return a login url for the current user. 1
account_sync_sso_menu account_sync_sso/account_sync_sso.module Implements hook_menu().
account_sync_sync_all ./ Sync all accounts from this site to a 3rd party drupal site. 1
account_sync_target_path account_sync_sso/account_sync_sso.module Generate a drupal path based on the given arguments. 2
account_sync_uninstall ./account_sync.install Implements hook_uninstall().
account_sync_update_user ./ XMLRPC callback to update the user account on /this/ drupal site. 1
account_sync_user_insert ./account_sync.module Implements hook_user_insert().
account_sync_user_pass_rehash account_sync_sso/account_sync_sso.module Creates a unique hash value for use in time-dependent per-user URLs. 2
account_sync_user_update ./account_sync.module Implements hook_user_update().
account_sync_validate_login account_sync_sso/account_sync_sso.module Run validation / authentication on the login url. 1
account_sync_xmlrpc ./account_sync.module Implements hook_xmlrpc().
_account_sync_edit_roles ./ Helper to convert the $account role format into the $edit role format. 1
_account_sync_roles ./ Find a list of roles that should be set on the given account. 2
_account_sync_send_update ./ Helper function to do the heavy lifting of the account information transfer. 2
_account_sync_sync_in_deny ./ Check a any cases that should trigger us to deny the sync. 1
_account_sync_update_pass ./ Update the password on the account. 1
_account_sync_update_roles ./ Properly set the roles in the account prior to sending to the receiver. 1

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