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function account_sync_servers in Account Sync 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 account_sync.module \account_sync_servers()

Allow modules to hook into hook_account_sync_servers($url, $account).

It passes the server url and the given account for each server available for syncing. If any of the hooks return FALSE for a given server url or account then the account data will not be sent to that server.

1 call to account_sync_servers()
_account_sync_send_update in ./
2 string references to 'account_sync_servers'
account_sync_sender_settings in ./
account_sync_uninstall in ./account_sync.install
Implementation of hook_uninstall().


./account_sync.module, line 88


function account_sync_servers($account) {
  $servers = array();
  $all_servers = explode("\n", variable_get('account_sync_servers', ''));

  // Strip out blank lines
  $all_servers = array_filter($all_servers);
  foreach ($all_servers as $server) {
    $results = module_invoke_all('account_sync_servers', $server, $account);
    if (!in_array(FALSE, $results)) {
      $servers[] = $server;
  return $servers;