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function _access_unpublished_check_hashed_link in Access unpublished 7

Helper function to determine whether to display a hashed link and if so, determine its format.


object $node: The node being viewed or edited.

2 calls to _access_unpublished_check_hashed_link()
access_unpublished_form_node_form_alter in ./access_unpublished.module
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
access_unpublished_node_view in ./access_unpublished.module
Implements hook_node_view().


./access_unpublished.module, line 193
Drupal module: Access unpublished.


function _access_unpublished_check_hashed_link($node) {
  if (module_exists('workbench_moderation') && workbench_moderation_node_type_moderated($node->type)) {

    // Check for workbench_moderation status first, as this
    // overrides the basic published/unpublished check.
    $wb_unpublished = FALSE;
    $wb_revision = FALSE;
    $draft_path = FALSE;
    if (!isset($node->workbench_moderation['published'])) {
      $wb_unpublished = TRUE;
    else {
      $urlseg = explode('/', current_path());
      if (isset($urlseg[2])) {
        switch ($urlseg[2]) {
          case 'draft':
            $draft_path = true;
    if ($node->workbench_moderation['current']->is_current == 1 && $node->workbench_moderation['current']->published == '0') {
      $wb_revision = TRUE;
    if ($wb_unpublished && $wb_revision) {

      // We have a node that only exists as a draft, so we can't count on the
      // node/%/draft URL pattern in this case.
      _access_unpublished_show_hashed_link('node/' . $node->nid, $node);
    else {
      if (!$wb_unpublished && $wb_revision && $draft_path) {

        // We have a draft revision of a published node, so we use the
        // node/%/draft URL pattern in this case.
        _access_unpublished_show_hashed_link('node/' . $node->nid . '/draft', $node);
      else {
        if ($node->status == NODE_NOT_PUBLISHED && !$wb_unpublished) {
          _access_unpublished_show_hashed_link('node/' . $node->nid, $node);
  else {
    if ($node->status == NODE_NOT_PUBLISHED) {

      // Either workbench_moderation is not installed or we have an un-moderated
      // content type.
      _access_unpublished_show_hashed_link('node/' . $node->nid, $node);