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function access_unpublished_uninstall in Access unpublished 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 access_unpublished.install \access_unpublished_uninstall()

Implements hook_uninstall().


./access_unpublished.install, line 28
Create a privatekey on install and remove the key when the module is removed. The private key can be changed in the module settings.


function access_unpublished_uninstall() {

  //Display the old key value in the message log, so that if you need to

  //recover the key value you will be able to find it in the logs
  watchdog('access_unpublished', 'Removing private key: @key', array(
    '@key' => variable_get('access_unpublished_privatekey', NULL),

  //Display the old query string value in the message log, so that if you

  //need to recover the value you will be able to find it in the logs
  watchdog('access_unpublished', 'Removing query string: @querystring', array(
    '@querystring' => variable_get('access_unpublished_querystring', NULL),