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public function AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectRealms in Access Control Kit 7

Returns the list of realms to which a given object belongs in the scheme.


string $object_type: A string indicating the type of $object (e.g., node, menu_link).

mixed $object: An access-controllable object, as defined by hook_access_info(). The actual data type depends on the object type, but is typically an array or a stdClass object.

Return value

array An array of realms to which the object belongs. If no realms were found for the object, returns array().

1 method overrides AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectRealms()
AccessControlKitHandler::objectRealms in ./
Implements AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectRealms().


./, line 76
Contains the access control kit handler interface and base class.


Interface for an object access handler.


public function objectRealms($object_type, $object);