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public function AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectFormValidate in Access Control Kit 7

Performs additional validation on an access-controlled object's form.

It is up to the handler module to invoke this method as needed by adding an additional validation function to the form (using hook_form_alter()).


string $object_type: A string indicating the type of $object (e.g., node, menu_link).

mixed $object: The access-controllable object represented by this form.

array $form: The form structure. This can be a full form structure, or a sub-element of a larger form.

array &$form_state: An associative array containing the current state of the form.

See also


1 method overrides AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectFormValidate()
AccessControlKitHandler::objectFormValidate in ./
Implements AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectFormValidate().


./, line 147
Contains the access control kit handler interface and base class.


Interface for an object access handler.


public function objectFormValidate($object_type, $object, $form, &$form_state);