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public function AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectFormSubmit in Access Control Kit 7

Performs handler-specific actions when an object's form is submitted.

It is up to the handler module to invoke this method as needed by adding an additional submission function to the form (using hook_form_alter()).


string $object_type: A string indicating the type of $object (e.g., node, menu_link).

mixed $object: The access-controllable object represented by this form.

array $form: The form structure. This can be a full form structure, or a sub-element of a larger form.

array &$form_state: An associative array containing the current state of the form.

See also


1 method overrides AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectFormSubmit()
AccessControlKitHandler::objectFormSubmit in ./
Implements AccessControlKitHandlerInterface::objectFormSubmit().


./, line 167
Contains the access control kit handler interface and base class.


Interface for an object access handler.


public function objectFormSubmit($object_type, $object, $form, &$form_state);