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function access_scheme_add_list in Access Control Kit 7

Menu page callback; the add access scheme list page.

1 string reference to 'access_scheme_add_list'
access_menu in ./access.module
Implements hook_menu().


./, line 75
Access schemes administrative UI for the access control kit module.


function access_scheme_add_list() {
  drupal_set_title(t('Add an access scheme'), PASS_THROUGH);
  $content = array();
  foreach (access_scheme_info() as $type => $info) {
    $content[$type] = array(
      'title' => $info['label'],
      'description' => $info['description'],
      'href' => 'admin/structure/access/add/' . str_replace('_', '-', $type),
      'localized_options' => array(),
  return theme('admin_block_content', array(
    'content' => $content,