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function access_scheme_delete in Access Control Kit 7

Deletes an access scheme.


int $sid: The scheme ID.

Return value

int Status constant indicating deletion.

See also


7 calls to access_scheme_delete()
AccessGrantInterfaceTest::testGrantInterface in ./access.test
Create and edit an access grant via the user interface.
AccessSchemeFunctionTest::testSchemeCRUD in ./access.test
Test basic create, read, update, and delete functions.
AccessSchemeFunctionTest::testSchemeDeleteWithGrants in ./access.test
Test deleting an access scheme that contains grants.
AccessSchemeFunctionTest::testSchemeStaticReset in ./access.test
Ensure that the access scheme static reset works correctly.
AccessSchemeInterfaceTest::testSchemeOverviewEmpty in ./access.test
Test the scheme overview with no schemes.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'access_scheme_delete'
access_hook_info in ./access.module
Implements hook_hook_info().


./access.module, line 428
The access control kit module.


function access_scheme_delete($sid) {
  return entity_get_controller('access_scheme')