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function access_grant_save in Access Control Kit 7

Saves an access grant.


object $grant: An access grant.

Return value

int Status constant indicating whether the grant was inserted (SAVED_NEW) or updated (SAVED_UPDATED). When inserting a new grant, $grant->gid will contain the ID of the newly created grant.

See also


7 calls to access_grant_save()
AccessAPITest::testHandlerMethods in ./access.test
Test access arbitration through our dummy handler.
AccessGrantFunctionTest::testGrantCRUD in ./access.test
Test basic create, read, update, and delete functions.
AccessGrantFunctionTest::testGrantStaticReset in ./access.test
Ensure that the access grant static reset works correctly.
AccessGrantInterfaceTest::testGrantDelete in ./access.test
Delete an access grant via the user interface.
AccessGrantInterfaceTest::testGrantInterface in ./access.test
Create and edit an access grant via the user interface.

... See full list


./access.module, line 187
The access control kit module.


function access_grant_save($grant) {
  return entity_get_controller('access_grant')