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AbstractStringWrapper.php in Zircon Profile 8


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 * Zend Framework (
 * @link for the canonical source repository
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
 * @license New BSD License
namespace Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper;

use Zend\Stdlib\Exception;
use Zend\Stdlib\StringUtils;
abstract class AbstractStringWrapper implements StringWrapperInterface {

   * The character encoding working on
   * @var string|null
  protected $encoding = 'UTF-8';

   * An optionally character encoding to convert to
   * @var string|null
  protected $convertEncoding;

   * Check if the given character encoding is supported by this wrapper
   * and the character encoding to convert to is also supported.
   * @param  string      $encoding
   * @param  string|null $convertEncoding
   * @return bool
  public static function isSupported($encoding, $convertEncoding = null) {
    $supportedEncodings = static::getSupportedEncodings();
    if (!in_array(strtoupper($encoding), $supportedEncodings)) {
      return false;
    if ($convertEncoding !== null && !in_array(strtoupper($convertEncoding), $supportedEncodings)) {
      return false;
    return true;

   * Set character encoding working with and convert to
   * @param string      $encoding         The character encoding to work with
   * @param string|null $convertEncoding  The character encoding to convert to
   * @return StringWrapperInterface
  public function setEncoding($encoding, $convertEncoding = null) {
    $supportedEncodings = static::getSupportedEncodings();
    $encodingUpper = strtoupper($encoding);
    if (!in_array($encodingUpper, $supportedEncodings)) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Wrapper doesn\'t support character encoding "' . $encoding . '"');
    if ($convertEncoding !== null) {
      $convertEncodingUpper = strtoupper($convertEncoding);
      if (!in_array($convertEncodingUpper, $supportedEncodings)) {
        throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Wrapper doesn\'t support character encoding "' . $convertEncoding . '"');
      $this->convertEncoding = $convertEncodingUpper;
    else {
      $this->convertEncoding = null;
    $this->encoding = $encodingUpper;
    return $this;

   * Get the defined character encoding to work with
   * @return string
   * @throws Exception\LogicException If no encoding was defined
  public function getEncoding() {
    return $this->encoding;

   * Get the defined character encoding to convert to
   * @return string|null
  public function getConvertEncoding() {
    return $this->convertEncoding;

   * Convert a string from defined character encoding to the defined convert encoding
   * @param string  $str
   * @param bool $reverse
   * @return string|false
  public function convert($str, $reverse = false) {
    $encoding = $this
    $convertEncoding = $this
    if ($convertEncoding === null) {
      throw new Exception\LogicException('No convert encoding defined');
    if ($encoding === $convertEncoding) {
      return $str;
    $from = $reverse ? $convertEncoding : $encoding;
    $to = $reverse ? $encoding : $convertEncoding;
    throw new Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf('Converting from "%s" to "%s" isn\'t supported by this string wrapper', $from, $to));

   * Wraps a string to a given number of characters
   * @param  string  $string
   * @param  int $width
   * @param  string  $break
   * @param  bool $cut
   * @return string|false
  public function wordWrap($string, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false) {
    $string = (string) $string;
    if ($string === '') {
      return '';
    $break = (string) $break;
    if ($break === '') {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Break string cannot be empty');
    $width = (int) $width;
    if ($width === 0 && $cut) {
      throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Cannot force cut when width is zero');
    if (StringUtils::isSingleByteEncoding($this
      ->getEncoding())) {
      return wordwrap($string, $width, $break, $cut);
    $stringWidth = $this
    $breakWidth = $this
    $result = '';
    $lastStart = $lastSpace = 0;
    for ($current = 0; $current < $stringWidth; $current++) {
      $char = $this
        ->substr($string, $current, 1);
      $possibleBreak = $char;
      if ($breakWidth !== 1) {
        $possibleBreak = $this
          ->substr($string, $current, $breakWidth);
      if ($possibleBreak === $break) {
        $result .= $this
          ->substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart + $breakWidth);
        $current += $breakWidth - 1;
        $lastStart = $lastSpace = $current + 1;
      if ($char === ' ') {
        if ($current - $lastStart >= $width) {
          $result .= $this
            ->substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart) . $break;
          $lastStart = $current + 1;
        $lastSpace = $current;
      if ($current - $lastStart >= $width && $cut && $lastStart >= $lastSpace) {
        $result .= $this
          ->substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart) . $break;
        $lastStart = $lastSpace = $current;
      if ($current - $lastStart >= $width && $lastStart < $lastSpace) {
        $result .= $this
          ->substr($string, $lastStart, $lastSpace - $lastStart) . $break;
        $lastStart = $lastSpace = $lastSpace + 1;
    if ($lastStart !== $current) {
      $result .= $this
        ->substr($string, $lastStart, $current - $lastStart);
    return $result;

   * Pad a string to a certain length with another string
   * @param  string  $input
   * @param  int $padLength
   * @param  string  $padString
   * @param  int $padType
   * @return string
  public function strPad($input, $padLength, $padString = ' ', $padType = STR_PAD_RIGHT) {
    if (StringUtils::isSingleByteEncoding($this
      ->getEncoding())) {
      return str_pad($input, $padLength, $padString, $padType);
    $lengthOfPadding = $padLength - $this
    if ($lengthOfPadding <= 0) {
      return $input;
    $padStringLength = $this
    if ($padStringLength === 0) {
      return $input;
    $repeatCount = floor($lengthOfPadding / $padStringLength);
    if ($padType === STR_PAD_BOTH) {
      $repeatCountLeft = $repeatCountRight = ($repeatCount - $repeatCount % 2) / 2;
      $lastStringLength = $lengthOfPadding - 2 * $repeatCountLeft * $padStringLength;
      $lastStringLeftLength = $lastStringRightLength = floor($lastStringLength / 2);
      $lastStringRightLength += $lastStringLength % 2;
      $lastStringLeft = $this
        ->substr($padString, 0, $lastStringLeftLength);
      $lastStringRight = $this
        ->substr($padString, 0, $lastStringRightLength);
      return str_repeat($padString, $repeatCountLeft) . $lastStringLeft . $input . str_repeat($padString, $repeatCountRight) . $lastStringRight;
    $lastString = $this
      ->substr($padString, 0, $lengthOfPadding % $padStringLength);
    if ($padType === STR_PAD_LEFT) {
      return str_repeat($padString, $repeatCount) . $lastString . $input;
    return $input . str_repeat($padString, $repeatCount) . $lastString;

