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AbstractConstraintValidatorTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0


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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Tests\Constraints;

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotNull;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidatorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContext;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\LegacyExecutionContext;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContextInterface as LegacyExecutionContextInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\PropertyMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation;

 * @since 2.5.3
 * @author Bernhard Schussek <>
abstract class AbstractConstraintValidatorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

   * @var ExecutionContextInterface
  protected $context;

   * @var ConstraintValidatorInterface
  protected $validator;
  protected $group;
  protected $metadata;
  protected $object;
  protected $value;
  protected $root;
  protected $propertyPath;
  protected $constraint;
  protected $defaultTimezone;
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->group = 'MyGroup';
    $this->metadata = null;
    $this->object = null;
    $this->value = 'InvalidValue';
    $this->root = 'root';
    $this->propertyPath = 'property.path';

    // Initialize the context with some constraint so that we can
    // successfully build a violation.
    $this->constraint = new NotNull();
    $this->context = $this
    $this->validator = $this
  protected function tearDown() {
  protected function setDefaultTimezone($defaultTimezone) {

    // Make sure this method can not be called twice before calling
    // also restoreDefaultTimezone()
    if (null === $this->defaultTimezone) {
      $this->defaultTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
  protected function restoreDefaultTimezone() {
    if (null !== $this->defaultTimezone) {
      $this->defaultTimezone = null;
  protected function createContext() {
    $translator = $this
    $validator = $this
    $contextualValidator = $this
    switch ($this
      ->getApiVersion()) {
      case Validation::API_VERSION_2_5:
        $context = new ExecutionContext($validator, $this->root, $translator);
      case Validation::API_VERSION_2_4:
      case Validation::API_VERSION_2_5_BC:
        $context = new LegacyExecutionContext($validator, $this->root, $this
          ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\MetadataFactoryInterface'), $translator);
        throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid API version');
      ->setNode($this->value, $this->object, $this->metadata, $this->propertyPath);
    return $context;

   * @param mixed  $message
   * @param array  $parameters
   * @param string $propertyPath
   * @param string $invalidValue
   * @param null   $plural
   * @param null   $code
   * @return ConstraintViolation
   * @deprecated to be removed in Symfony 3.0. Use {@link buildViolation()} instead.
  protected function createViolation($message, array $parameters = array(), $propertyPath = 'property.path', $invalidValue = 'InvalidValue', $plural = null, $code = null) {
    return new ConstraintViolation(null, $message, $parameters, $this->root, $propertyPath, $invalidValue, $plural, $code, $this->constraint);
  protected function setGroup($group) {
    $this->group = $group;
  protected function setObject($object) {
    $this->object = $object;
    $this->metadata = is_object($object) ? new ClassMetadata(get_class($object)) : null;
      ->setNode($this->value, $this->object, $this->metadata, $this->propertyPath);
  protected function setProperty($object, $property) {
    $this->object = $object;
    $this->metadata = is_object($object) ? new PropertyMetadata(get_class($object), $property) : null;
      ->setNode($this->value, $this->object, $this->metadata, $this->propertyPath);
  protected function setValue($value) {
    $this->value = $value;
      ->setNode($this->value, $this->object, $this->metadata, $this->propertyPath);
  protected function setRoot($root) {
    $this->root = $root;
    $this->context = $this
  protected function setPropertyPath($propertyPath) {
    $this->propertyPath = $propertyPath;
      ->setNode($this->value, $this->object, $this->metadata, $this->propertyPath);
  protected function expectNoValidate() {
    $validator = $this->context
  protected function expectValidateAt($i, $propertyPath, $value, $group) {
    $validator = $this->context
      ->at(2 * $i))
      ->at(2 * $i + 1))
      ->with($value, $this
      ->logicalOr(null, array()), $group);
  protected function expectValidateValueAt($i, $propertyPath, $value, $constraints, $group = null) {
    $contextualValidator = $this->context
      ->at(2 * $i))
      ->at(2 * $i + 1))
      ->with($value, $constraints, $group);
  protected function assertNoViolation() {
      ->assertSame(0, $violationsCount = count($this->context
      ->getViolations()), sprintf('0 violation expected. Got %u.', $violationsCount));

   * @param mixed  $message
   * @param array  $parameters
   * @param string $propertyPath
   * @param string $invalidValue
   * @param null   $plural
   * @param null   $code
   * @deprecated To be removed in Symfony 3.0. Use
   *             {@link buildViolation()} instead.
  protected function assertViolation($message, array $parameters = array(), $propertyPath = 'property.path', $invalidValue = 'InvalidValue', $plural = null, $code = null) {
    @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the buildViolation() method instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);

   * @param array $expected
   * @deprecated To be removed in Symfony 3.0. Use
   *             {@link buildViolation()} instead.
  protected function assertViolations(array $expected) {
    @trigger_error('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the buildViolation() method instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $violations = $this->context
      ->assertCount(count($expected), $violations);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($expected as $violation) {
        ->assertEquals($violation, $violations[$i++]);

   * @param $message
   * @return ConstraintViolationAssertion
  protected function buildViolation($message) {
    return new ConstraintViolationAssertion($this->context, $message, $this->constraint);
  protected function getApiVersion() {
    return Validation::API_VERSION_2_5;
  protected abstract function createValidator();


 * @internal
class ConstraintViolationAssertion {

   * @var LegacyExecutionContextInterface
  private $context;

   * @var ConstraintViolationAssertion[]
  private $assertions;
  private $message;
  private $parameters = array();
  private $invalidValue = 'InvalidValue';
  private $propertyPath = 'property.path';
  private $translationDomain;
  private $plural;
  private $code;
  private $constraint;
  private $cause;
  public function __construct(LegacyExecutionContextInterface $context, $message, Constraint $constraint = null, array $assertions = array()) {
    $this->context = $context;
    $this->message = $message;
    $this->constraint = $constraint;
    $this->assertions = $assertions;
  public function atPath($path) {
    $this->propertyPath = $path;
    return $this;
  public function setParameter($key, $value) {
    $this->parameters[$key] = $value;
    return $this;
  public function setParameters(array $parameters) {
    $this->parameters = $parameters;
    return $this;
  public function setTranslationDomain($translationDomain) {
    $this->translationDomain = $translationDomain;
    return $this;
  public function setInvalidValue($invalidValue) {
    $this->invalidValue = $invalidValue;
    return $this;
  public function setPlural($number) {
    $this->plural = $number;
    return $this;
  public function setCode($code) {
    $this->code = $code;
    return $this;
  public function setCause($cause) {
    $this->cause = $cause;
    return $this;
  public function buildNextViolation($message) {
    $assertions = $this->assertions;
    $assertions[] = $this;
    return new self($this->context, $message, $this->constraint, $assertions);
  public function assertRaised() {
    $expected = array();
    foreach ($this->assertions as $assertion) {
      $expected[] = $assertion
    $expected[] = $this
    $violations = iterator_to_array($this->context
    \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertSame($expectedCount = count($expected), $violationsCount = count($violations), sprintf('%u violation(s) expected. Got %u.', $expectedCount, $violationsCount));
    foreach ($expected as $violation) {
      \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($violation, current($violations));
  private function getViolation() {
    return new ConstraintViolation(null, $this->message, $this->parameters, $this->context
      ->getRoot(), $this->propertyPath, $this->invalidValue, $this->plural, $this->code, $this->constraint, $this->cause);

