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private function LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest::getRouteCollection in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Matcher/Dumper/LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest.php \Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests\Matcher\Dumper\LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest::getRouteCollection()
2 calls to LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest::getRouteCollection()
LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest::testDump in vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Matcher/Dumper/LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest.php
LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest::testEscapePattern in vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Matcher/Dumper/LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest.php
@dataProvider provideEscapeFixtures


vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Matcher/Dumper/LegacyApacheMatcherDumperTest.php, line 66


@group legacy




private function getRouteCollection() {
  $collection = new RouteCollection();

  // defaults and requirements
    ->add('foo', new Route('/foo/{bar}', array(
    'def' => 'test',
  ), array(
    'bar' => 'baz|symfony',

  // defaults parameters in pattern
    ->add('foobar', new Route('/foo/{bar}', array(
    'bar' => 'toto',

  // method requirement
    ->add('bar', new Route('/bar/{foo}', array(), array(), array(), '', array(), array(

  // method requirement (again)
    ->add('baragain', new Route('/baragain/{foo}', array(), array(), array(), '', array(), array(

  // simple
    ->add('baz', new Route('/test/baz'));

  // simple with extension
    ->add('baz2', new Route('/test/baz.html'));

  // trailing slash
    ->add('baz3', new Route('/test/baz3/'));

  // trailing slash with variable
    ->add('baz4', new Route('/test/{foo}/'));

  // trailing slash and safe method
    ->add('baz5', new Route('/test/{foo}/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(), array(

  // trailing slash and unsafe method
    ->add('baz5unsafe', new Route('/testunsafe/{foo}/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(), array(

  // complex
    ->add('baz6', new Route('/test/baz', array(
    'foo' => 'bar baz',

  // space in path
    ->add('baz7', new Route('/te st/baz'));

  // space preceded with \ in path
    ->add('baz8', new Route('/te\\ st/baz'));

  // space preceded with \ in requirement
    ->add('baz9', new Route('/test/{baz}', array(), array(
    'baz' => 'te\\\\ st',
  $collection1 = new RouteCollection();
  $route1 = new Route('/route1', array(), array(), array(), '');
    ->add('route1', $route1);
  $collection2 = new RouteCollection();
  $route2 = new Route('/route2', array(), array(), array(), '');
    ->add('route2', $route2);
  $route3 = new Route('/route3', array(), array(), array(), '');
    ->add('route3', $route3);
  $route4 = new Route('/route4', array(), array(), array(), '');
    ->add('route4', $route4);
  $route5 = new Route('/route5', array(), array(), array(), '');
    ->add('route5', $route5);
  $route6 = new Route('/route6', array(), array(), array(), null);
    ->add('route6', $route6);

  // host and variables
  $collection1 = new RouteCollection();
  $route11 = new Route('/route11', array(), array(), array(), '{var1}');
    ->add('route11', $route11);
  $route12 = new Route('/route12', array(
    'var1' => 'val',
  ), array(), array(), '{var1}');
    ->add('route12', $route12);
  $route13 = new Route('/route13/{name}', array(), array(), array(), '{var1}');
    ->add('route13', $route13);
  $route14 = new Route('/route14/{name}', array(
    'var1' => 'val',
  ), array(), array(), '{var1}');
    ->add('route14', $route14);
  $route15 = new Route('/route15/{name}', array(), array(), array(), '');
    ->add('route15', $route15);
  $route16 = new Route('/route16/{name}', array(
    'var1' => 'val',
  ), array(), array(), null);
    ->add('route16', $route16);
  $route17 = new Route('/route17', array(), array(), array(), null);
    ->add('route17', $route17);
  return $collection;