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9 calls to Process::isRunning() in Zircon Profile 8.0

Process::disableOutput in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Disables fetching output and error output from the underlying process.
Process::doSignal in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Sends a POSIX signal to the process.
Process::enableOutput in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Enables fetching output and error output from the underlying process.
Process::getPid in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Returns the Pid (process identifier), if applicable.
Process::restart in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Restarts the process.
Process::setInput in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Sets the input.
Process::start in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Starts the process and returns after writing the input to STDIN.
Process::stop in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Stops the process.
Process::wait in vendor/symfony/process/Process.php
Waits for the process to terminate.