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SsiTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0

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  1. 8 vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Tests/HttpCache/SsiTest.php


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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Tests\HttpCache;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\Ssi;
class SsiTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  public function testHasSurrogateSsiCapability() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $request = Request::create('/');
      ->set('Surrogate-Capability', 'abc="SSI/1.0"');
    $request = Request::create('/');
      ->set('Surrogate-Capability', 'foobar');
    $request = Request::create('/');
  public function testAddSurrogateSsiCapability() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $request = Request::create('/');
      ->assertEquals('symfony2="SSI/1.0"', $request->headers
      ->assertEquals('symfony2="SSI/1.0", symfony2="SSI/1.0"', $request->headers
  public function testAddSurrogateControl() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $response = new Response('foo <!--#include virtual="" -->');
      ->assertEquals('content="SSI/1.0"', $response->headers
    $response = new Response('foo');
      ->assertEquals('', $response->headers
  public function testNeedsSsiParsing() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $response = new Response();
      ->set('Surrogate-Control', 'content="SSI/1.0"');
    $response = new Response();
  public function testRenderIncludeTag() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
      ->assertEquals('<!--#include virtual="/" -->', $ssi
      ->renderIncludeTag('/', '/alt', true));
      ->assertEquals('<!--#include virtual="/" -->', $ssi
      ->renderIncludeTag('/', '/alt', false));
      ->assertEquals('<!--#include virtual="/" -->', $ssi
  public function testProcessDoesNothingIfContentTypeIsNotHtml() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $request = Request::create('/');
    $response = new Response();
      ->set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
      ->process($request, $response);
  public function testProcess() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $request = Request::create('/');
    $response = new Response('foo <!--#include virtual="..." -->');
      ->process($request, $response);
      ->assertEquals('foo <?php echo $this->surrogate->handle($this, \'...\', \'\', false) ?>' . "\n", $response
      ->assertEquals('SSI', $response->headers
    $response = new Response('foo <!--#include virtual="foo\'" -->');
      ->process($request, $response);
      ->assertEquals("foo <?php echo \$this->surrogate->handle(\$this, 'foo\\'', '', false) ?>" . "\n", $response
  public function testProcessEscapesPhpTags() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $request = Request::create('/');
    $response = new Response('<?php <? <% <script language=php>');
      ->process($request, $response);
      ->assertEquals('<?php echo "<?"; ?>php <?php echo "<?"; ?> <?php echo "<%"; ?> <?php echo "<s"; ?>cript language=php>', $response

   * @expectedException \RuntimeException
  public function testProcessWhenNoSrcInAnSsi() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $request = Request::create('/');
    $response = new Response('foo <!--#include -->');
      ->process($request, $response);
  public function testProcessRemoveSurrogateControlHeader() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $request = Request::create('/');
    $response = new Response('foo <!--#include virtual="..." -->');
      ->set('Surrogate-Control', 'content="SSI/1.0"');
      ->process($request, $response);
      ->assertEquals('SSI', $response->headers
      ->set('Surrogate-Control', 'no-store, content="SSI/1.0"');
      ->process($request, $response);
      ->assertEquals('SSI', $response->headers
      ->assertEquals('no-store', $response->headers
      ->set('Surrogate-Control', 'content="SSI/1.0", no-store');
      ->process($request, $response);
      ->assertEquals('SSI', $response->headers
      ->assertEquals('no-store', $response->headers
  public function testHandle() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $cache = $this
      ->getCache(Request::create('/'), new Response('foo'));
      ->assertEquals('foo', $ssi
      ->handle($cache, '/', '/alt', true));

   * @expectedException \RuntimeException
  public function testHandleWhenResponseIsNot200() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $response = new Response('foo');
    $cache = $this
      ->getCache(Request::create('/'), $response);
      ->handle($cache, '/', '/alt', false);
  public function testHandleWhenResponseIsNot200AndErrorsAreIgnored() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $response = new Response('foo');
    $cache = $this
      ->getCache(Request::create('/'), $response);
      ->assertEquals('', $ssi
      ->handle($cache, '/', '/alt', true));
  public function testHandleWhenResponseIsNot200AndAltIsPresent() {
    $ssi = new Ssi();
    $response1 = new Response('foo');
    $response2 = new Response('bar');
    $cache = $this
      ->getCache(Request::create('/'), array(
      ->assertEquals('bar', $ssi
      ->handle($cache, '/', '/alt', false));
  protected function getCache($request, $response) {
    $cache = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpCache\\HttpCache', array(
    ), array(), '', false);
    if (is_array($response)) {
      ), $response));
    else {
    return $cache;



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