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PdoSessionHandlerTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0


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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Tests\Session\Storage\Handler;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\PdoSessionHandler;
class PdoSessionHandlerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  private $dbFile;
  protected function setUp() {
    if (!class_exists('PDO') || !in_array('sqlite', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) {
        ->markTestSkipped('This test requires SQLite support in your environment');
  protected function tearDown() {

    // make sure the temporary database file is deleted when it has been created (even when a test fails)
    if ($this->dbFile) {
  protected function getPersistentSqliteDsn() {
    $this->dbFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'sf2_sqlite_sessions');
    return 'sqlite:' . $this->dbFile;
  protected function getMemorySqlitePdo() {
    $pdo = new \PDO('sqlite::memory:');
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($pdo);
    return $pdo;

   * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
  public function testWrongPdoErrMode() {
    $pdo = $this
      ->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT);
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($pdo);

   * @expectedException \RuntimeException
  public function testInexistentTable() {
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($this
      ->getMemorySqlitePdo(), array(
      'db_table' => 'inexistent_table',
      ->open('', 'sid');
      ->write('id', 'data');

   * @expectedException \RuntimeException
  public function testCreateTableTwice() {
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($this
  public function testWithLazyDsnConnection() {
    $dsn = $this
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($dsn);
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $data = $storage
      ->write('id', 'data');
      ->assertSame('', $data, 'New session returns empty string data');
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $data = $storage
      ->assertSame('data', $data, 'Written value can be read back correctly');
  public function testWithLazySavePathConnection() {
    $dsn = $this

    // Open is called with what ini_set('session.save_path', $dsn) would mean
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler(null);
      ->open($dsn, 'sid');
    $data = $storage
      ->write('id', 'data');
      ->assertSame('', $data, 'New session returns empty string data');
      ->open($dsn, 'sid');
    $data = $storage
      ->assertSame('data', $data, 'Written value can be read back correctly');
  public function testReadWriteReadWithNullByte() {
    $sessionData = 'da' . "\0" . 'ta';
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($this
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $readData = $storage
      ->write('id', $sessionData);
      ->assertSame('', $readData, 'New session returns empty string data');
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $readData = $storage
      ->assertSame($sessionData, $readData, 'Written value can be read back correctly');
  public function testReadConvertsStreamToString() {
    $pdo = new MockPdo('pgsql');
    $pdo->prepareResult = $this
    $content = 'foobar';
    $stream = $this
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($pdo);
    $result = $storage
      ->assertSame($content, $result);
  public function testReadLockedConvertsStreamToString() {
    $pdo = new MockPdo('pgsql');
    $selectStmt = $this
    $insertStmt = $this
    $pdo->prepareResult = function ($statement) use ($selectStmt, $insertStmt) {
      return 0 === strpos($statement, 'INSERT') ? $insertStmt : $selectStmt;
    $content = 'foobar';
    $stream = $this
    $exception = null;
      ->returnCallback(function () use (&$exception, $stream) {
      return $exception ? array(
      ) : array();
      ->returnCallback(function () use (&$exception) {
      throw $exception = new \PDOException('', '23');
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($pdo);
    $result = $storage
      ->assertSame($content, $result);
  public function testReadingRequiresExactlySameId() {
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($this
      ->open('', 'sid');
      ->write('id', 'data');
      ->write('test', 'data');
      ->write('space ', 'data');
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $readDataCaseSensitive = $storage
    $readDataNoCharFolding = $storage
    $readDataKeepSpace = $storage
      ->read('space ');
    $readDataExtraSpace = $storage
      ->read('space  ');
      ->assertSame('', $readDataCaseSensitive, 'Retrieval by ID should be case-sensitive (collation setting)');
      ->assertSame('', $readDataNoCharFolding, 'Retrieval by ID should not do character folding (collation setting)');
      ->assertSame('data', $readDataKeepSpace, 'Retrieval by ID requires spaces as-is');
      ->assertSame('', $readDataExtraSpace, 'Retrieval by ID requires spaces as-is');

   * Simulates session_regenerate_id(true) which will require an INSERT or UPDATE (replace).
  public function testWriteDifferentSessionIdThanRead() {
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($this
      ->open('', 'sid');
      ->write('new_id', 'data_of_new_session_id');
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $data = $storage
      ->assertSame('data_of_new_session_id', $data, 'Data of regenerated session id is available');
  public function testWrongUsageStillWorks() {

    // wrong method sequence that should no happen, but still works
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($this
      ->write('id', 'data');
      ->write('other_id', 'other_data');
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $data = $storage
    $otherData = $storage
      ->assertSame('data', $data);
      ->assertSame('other_data', $otherData);
  public function testSessionDestroy() {
    $pdo = $this
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($pdo);
      ->open('', 'sid');
      ->write('id', 'data');
      ->assertEquals(1, $pdo
      ->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessions')
      ->open('', 'sid');
      ->assertEquals(0, $pdo
      ->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessions')
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $data = $storage
      ->assertSame('', $data, 'Destroyed session returns empty string');
  public function testSessionGC() {
    $previousLifeTime = ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 1000);
    $pdo = $this
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($pdo);
      ->open('', 'sid');
      ->write('id', 'data');
      ->open('', 'sid');
    ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', -1);

    // test that you can set lifetime of a session after it has been read
      ->write('gc_id', 'data');
      ->assertEquals(2, $pdo
      ->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessions')
      ->fetchColumn(), 'No session pruned because gc not called');
      ->open('', 'sid');
    $data = $storage
    ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $previousLifeTime);
      ->assertSame('', $data, 'Session already considered garbage, so not returning data even if it is not pruned yet');
      ->assertEquals(1, $pdo
      ->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessions')
      ->fetchColumn(), 'Expired session is pruned');
  public function testGetConnection() {
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler($this
    $method = new \ReflectionMethod($storage, 'getConnection');
      ->assertInstanceOf('\\PDO', $method
  public function testGetConnectionConnectsIfNeeded() {
    $storage = new PdoSessionHandler('sqlite::memory:');
    $method = new \ReflectionMethod($storage, 'getConnection');
      ->assertInstanceOf('\\PDO', $method
  private function createStream($content) {
    $stream = tmpfile();
    fwrite($stream, $content);
    fseek($stream, 0);
    return $stream;

class MockPdo extends \PDO {
  public $prepareResult;
  private $driverName;
  private $errorMode;
  public function __construct($driverName = null, $errorMode = null) {
    $this->driverName = $driverName;
    $this->errorMode = null !== $errorMode ?: \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION;
  public function getAttribute($attribute) {
    if (\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE === $attribute) {
      return $this->errorMode;
    if (\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME === $attribute) {
      return $this->driverName;
    return parent::getAttribute($attribute);
  public function prepare($statement, $driverOptions = array()) {
    return is_callable($this->prepareResult) ? call_user_func($this->prepareResult, $statement, $driverOptions) : $this->prepareResult;
  public function beginTransaction() {

