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public function RequestMatcher::matches in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 vendor/symfony/http-foundation/RequestMatcher.php \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher::matches()

Decides whether the rule(s) implemented by the strategy matches the supplied request.


Request $request The request to check for a match:

Return value

bool true if the request matches, false otherwise

Overrides RequestMatcherInterface::matches

1 call to RequestMatcher::matches()
ExpressionRequestMatcher::matches in vendor/symfony/http-foundation/ExpressionRequestMatcher.php
Decides whether the rule(s) implemented by the strategy matches the supplied request.
1 method overrides RequestMatcher::matches()
ExpressionRequestMatcher::matches in vendor/symfony/http-foundation/ExpressionRequestMatcher.php
Decides whether the rule(s) implemented by the strategy matches the supplied request.


vendor/symfony/http-foundation/RequestMatcher.php, line 146


RequestMatcher compares a pre-defined set of checks against a Request instance.




public function matches(Request $request) {
  if ($this->schemes && !in_array($request
    ->getScheme(), $this->schemes)) {
    return false;
  if ($this->methods && !in_array($request
    ->getMethod(), $this->methods)) {
    return false;
  foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $pattern) {
    if (!preg_match('{' . $pattern . '}', $request->attributes
      ->get($key))) {
      return false;
  if (null !== $this->path && !preg_match('{' . $this->path . '}', rawurldecode($request
    ->getPathInfo()))) {
    return false;
  if (null !== $this->host && !preg_match('{' . $this->host . '}i', $request
    ->getHost())) {
    return false;
  if (IpUtils::checkIp($request
    ->getClientIp(), $this->ips)) {
    return true;

  // Note to future implementors: add additional checks above the
  // foreach above or else your check might not be run!
  return count($this->ips) === 0;