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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Tests;

use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\CssSelector;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
class CrawlerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  public function testConstructor() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler, '__construct() returns an empty crawler');
    $crawler = new Crawler(new \DOMNode());
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler, '__construct() takes a node as a first argument');

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::add
  public function testAdd() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->add() adds nodes from a \\DOMDocument');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->add() adds nodes from a \\DOMNodeList');
    foreach ($this
      ->createNodeList() as $node) {
      $list[] = $node;
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->add() adds nodes from an array of nodes');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->add() adds nodes from a \\DOMElement');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('Foo', $crawler
      ->text(), '->add() adds nodes from a string');

   * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
  public function testAddInvalidNode() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addHtmlContent
  public function testAddHtmlContent() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addHtmlContent('<html><div class="foo"></html>', 'UTF-8');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addHtmlContent() adds nodes from an HTML string');
      ->addHtmlContent('<html><head><base href=""></head><a href="/contact"></a></html>', 'UTF-8');
      ->assertEquals('', $crawler
      ->attr('href'), '->addHtmlContent() adds nodes from an HTML string');
      ->assertEquals('', $crawler
      ->getUri(), '->addHtmlContent() adds nodes from an HTML string');

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addHtmlContent
   * @requires extension mbstring
  public function testAddHtmlContentCharset() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addHtmlContent('<html><div class="foo">Tiếng Việt</html>', 'UTF-8');
      ->assertEquals('Tiếng Việt', $crawler

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addHtmlContent
  public function testAddHtmlContentInvalidBaseTag() {
    $crawler = new Crawler(null, '');
      ->addHtmlContent('<html><head><base target="_top"></head><a href="/contact"></a></html>', 'UTF-8');
      ->assertEquals('', current($crawler
      ->getUri(), '->addHtmlContent() correctly handles a non-existent base tag href attribute');

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addHtmlContent
  public function testAddHtmlContentUnsupportedCharset() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addHtmlContent(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/windows-1250.html'), 'Windows-1250');
      ->assertEquals('Žťčýů', $crawler

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addHtmlContent
   * @requires extension mbstring
  public function testAddHtmlContentCharsetGbk() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();

    //gbk encode of <html><p>中文</p></html>
      ->addHtmlContent(base64_decode('PGh0bWw+PHA+1tDOxDwvcD48L2h0bWw+'), 'gbk');
      ->assertEquals('中文', $crawler

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addHtmlContent
  public function testAddHtmlContentWithErrors() {
    $internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
    $crawler = new Crawler();
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <nav><a href="#"><a href="#"></nav>
, 'UTF-8');
    $errors = libxml_get_errors();
      ->assertCount(1, $errors);
      ->assertEquals("Tag nav invalid\n", $errors[0]->message);

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addXmlContent
  public function testAddXmlContent() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addXmlContent('<html><div class="foo"></div></html>', 'UTF-8');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addXmlContent() adds nodes from an XML string');

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addXmlContent
  public function testAddXmlContentCharset() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addXmlContent('<html><div class="foo">Tiếng Việt</div></html>', 'UTF-8');
      ->assertEquals('Tiếng Việt', $crawler

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addXmlContent
  public function testAddXmlContentWithErrors() {
    $internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
    $crawler = new Crawler();
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <nav><a href="#"><a href="#"></nav>
, 'UTF-8');
      ->assertTrue(count(libxml_get_errors()) > 1);

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addContent
  public function testAddContent() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent('<html><div class="foo"></html>', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addContent() adds nodes from an HTML string');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent('<html><div class="foo"></html>', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8; dir=RTL');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addContent() adds nodes from an HTML string with extended content type');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent('<html><div class="foo"></html>');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addContent() uses text/html as the default type');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent('<html><div class="foo"></div></html>', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addContent() adds nodes from an XML string');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent('<html><div class="foo"></div></html>', 'text/xml');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addContent() adds nodes from an XML string');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent('foo bar', 'text/plain');
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler, '->addContent() does nothing if the type is not (x|ht)ml');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent('<html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><span>中文</span></html>');
      ->assertEquals('中文', $crawler
      ->text(), '->addContent() guess wrong charset');
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent(iconv('UTF-8', 'SJIS', '<html><head><meta charset="Shift_JIS"></head><body>日本語</body></html>'));
      ->assertEquals('日本語', $crawler
      ->text(), '->addContent() can recognize "Shift_JIS" in html5 meta charset tag');

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addDocument
  public function testAddDocument() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addDocument() adds nodes from a \\DOMDocument');

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addNodeList
  public function testAddNodeList() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addNodeList() adds nodes from a \\DOMNodeList');

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addNodes
  public function testAddNodes() {
    foreach ($this
      ->createNodeList() as $node) {
      $list[] = $node;
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addNodes() adds nodes from an array of nodes');

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::addNode
  public function testAddNode() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $crawler
      ->attr('class'), '->addNode() adds nodes from a \\DOMElement');
  public function testClear() {
    $crawler = new Crawler(new \DOMNode());
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler, '->clear() removes all the nodes from the crawler');
  public function testEq() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->eq(0), '->eq() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->eq() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertEquals('Two', $crawler
      ->text(), '->eq() returns the nth node of the list');
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->eq(100), '->eq() returns an empty crawler if the nth node does not exist');
  public function testEach() {
    $data = $this
      ->each(function ($node, $i) {
      return $i . '-' . $node
    ), $data, '->each() executes an anonymous function on each node of the list');
  public function testSlice() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->slice(), $crawler, '->slice() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler
      ->slice(), '->slice() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertCount(3, $crawler
      ->slice(), '->slice() does not slice the nodes in the list if any param is entered');
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->slice(1, 1), '->slice() slices the nodes in the list');
  public function testReduce() {
    $crawler = $this
    $nodes = $crawler
      ->reduce(function ($node, $i) {
      return $i !== 1;
      ->assertNotSame($nodes, $crawler, '->reduce() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $nodes, '->reduce() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertCount(2, $nodes, '->reduce() filters the nodes in the list');
  public function testAttr() {
      ->assertEquals('first', $this
      ->attr('class'), '->attr() returns the attribute of the first element of the node list');
    try {
        ->fail('->attr() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->attr() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testMissingAttrValueIsNull() {
    $crawler = new Crawler();
      ->addContent('<html><div non-empty-attr="sample value" empty-attr=""></div></html>', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
    $div = $crawler
      ->assertEquals('sample value', $div
      ->attr('non-empty-attr'), '->attr() reads non-empty attributes correctly');
      ->assertEquals('', $div
      ->attr('empty-attr'), '->attr() reads empty attributes correctly');
      ->attr('missing-attr'), '->attr() reads missing attributes correctly');
  public function testNodeName() {
      ->assertEquals('li', $this
      ->nodeName(), '->nodeName() returns the node name of the first element of the node list');
    try {
        ->fail('->nodeName() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->nodeName() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testText() {
      ->assertEquals('One', $this
      ->text(), '->text() returns the node value of the first element of the node list');
    try {
        ->fail('->text() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->text() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testHtml() {
      ->assertEquals('<img alt="Bar">', $this
      ->assertEquals('<input type="text" value="TextValue" name="TextName"><input type="submit" value="FooValue" name="FooName" id="FooId"><input type="button" value="BarValue" name="BarName" id="BarId"><button value="ButtonValue" name="ButtonName" id="ButtonId"></button>', trim($this
    try {
        ->fail('->html() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->html() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testExtract() {
    $crawler = $this
    ), $crawler
      ->extract('_text'), '->extract() returns an array of extracted data from the node list');
    ), $crawler
    )), '->extract() returns an array of extracted data from the node list');
      ->assertEquals(array(), $this
      ->extract('_text'), '->extract() returns an empty array if the node list is empty');
  public function testFilterXpathComplexQueries() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->assertCount(5, $crawler
      ->assertCount(4, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('//button | //input'));
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->assertCount(6, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('//button | //input'));
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('./div'), 'A child selection finds only the current div');
      ->assertCount(3, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('descendant::div'), 'A descendant selector matches the current div and its child');
      ->assertCount(3, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('//div'), 'A descendant selector matches the current div and its child');
      ->assertCount(5, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('(//a | //div)//img'));
      ->assertCount(7, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('((//a | //div)//img | //ul)'));
      ->assertCount(7, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('( ( //a | //div )//img | //ul )'));

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::filterXPath
  public function testFilterXPath() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('//li'), '->filterXPath() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->filterXPath() returns a new instance of a crawler');
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(6, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('//li'), '->filterXPath() filters the node list with the XPath expression');
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(3, $crawler
      ->parents(), '->filterXpath() preserves parents when chained');
  public function testFilterXPathWithDefaultNamespace() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler, '->filterXPath() automatically registers a namespace');
      ->assertSame(',2008:video:kgZRZmEc9j4', $crawler
  public function testFilterXPathWithCustomDefaultNamespace() {
    $crawler = $this
    $crawler = $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler, '->filterXPath() lets to override the default namespace prefix');
      ->assertSame(',2008:video:kgZRZmEc9j4', $crawler
  public function testFilterXPathWithNamespace() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(2, $crawler, '->filterXPath() automatically registers a namespace');
  public function testFilterXPathWithMultipleNamespaces() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler, '->filterXPath() automatically registers multiple namespaces');
      ->assertSame('widescreen', $crawler
  public function testFilterXPathWithManuallyRegisteredNamespace() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->registerNamespace('m', '');
    $crawler = $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler, '->filterXPath() uses manually registered namespace');
      ->assertSame('widescreen', $crawler
  public function testFilterXPathWithAnUrl() {
    $crawler = $this
    $crawler = $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler);
      ->assertSame('Music', $crawler
  public function testFilterXPathWithFakeRoot() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('.'), '->filterXPath() returns an empty result if the XPath references the fake root node');
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('/_root'), '->filterXPath() returns an empty result if the XPath references the fake root node');
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('self::*'), '->filterXPath() returns an empty result if the XPath references the fake root node');
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('self::_root'), '->filterXPath() returns an empty result if the XPath references the fake root node');
  public function testFilterXPathWithAncestorAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('ancestor::*'), 'The fake root node has no ancestor nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithAncestorOrSelfAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('ancestor-or-self::*'), 'The fake root node has no ancestor nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithAttributeAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('attribute::*'), 'The fake root node has no attribute nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithAttributeAxisAfterElementAxis() {
      ->assertCount(3, $this
      ->filterXPath('//form/button/attribute::*'), '->filterXPath() handles attribute axes properly when they are preceded by an element filtering axis');
  public function testFilterXPathWithChildAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('child::div'), 'A child selection finds only the current div');
  public function testFilterXPathWithFollowingAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('following::div'), 'The fake root node has no following nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithFollowingSiblingAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('following-sibling::div'), 'The fake root node has no following nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithNamespaceAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('namespace::*'), 'The fake root node has no namespace nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithNamespaceAxisAfterElementAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('namespace::*'), 'Namespace axes cannot be requested');
  public function testFilterXPathWithParentAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('parent::*'), 'The fake root node has no parent nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithPrecedingAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('preceding::*'), 'The fake root node has no preceding nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithPrecedingSiblingAxis() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('preceding-sibling::*'), 'The fake root node has no preceding nodes');
  public function testFilterXPathWithSelfAxes() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('self::a'), 'The fake root node has no "real" element name');
      ->assertCount(0, $crawler
      ->filterXPath('self::a/img'), 'The fake root node has no "real" element name');
      ->assertCount(9, $crawler

   * @covers Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler::filter
  public function testFilter() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->filter('li'), '->filter() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->filter() returns a new instance of a crawler');
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(6, $crawler
      ->filter('li'), '->filter() filters the node list with the CSS selector');
  public function testFilterWithDefaultNamespace() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->filter('default|entry default|id');
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler, '->filter() automatically registers namespaces');
      ->assertSame(',2008:video:kgZRZmEc9j4', $crawler
  public function testFilterWithNamespace() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertCount(2, $crawler, '->filter() automatically registers namespaces');
  public function testFilterWithMultipleNamespaces() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->filter('media|group yt|aspectRatio');
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler, '->filter() automatically registers namespaces');
      ->assertSame('widescreen', $crawler
  public function testFilterWithDefaultNamespaceOnly() {
    $crawler = new Crawler('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <urlset xmlns="">
      ->assertEquals(2, $crawler
  public function testSelectLink() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->selectLink('Foo'), '->selectLink() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->selectLink() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->selectLink('Fabien\'s Foo'), '->selectLink() selects links by the node values');
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->selectLink('Fabien\'s Bar'), '->selectLink() selects links by the alt attribute of a clickable image');
      ->assertCount(2, $crawler
      ->selectLink('Fabien"s Foo'), '->selectLink() selects links by the node values');
      ->assertCount(2, $crawler
      ->selectLink('Fabien"s Bar'), '->selectLink() selects links by the alt attribute of a clickable image');
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->selectLink('\' Fabien"s Foo'), '->selectLink() selects links by the node values');
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->selectLink('\' Fabien"s Bar'), '->selectLink() selects links by the alt attribute of a clickable image');
      ->assertCount(4, $crawler
      ->selectLink('Foo'), '->selectLink() selects links by the node values');
      ->assertCount(4, $crawler
      ->selectLink('Bar'), '->selectLink() selects links by the node values');
  public function testSelectButton() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->selectButton('FooValue'), '->selectButton() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->selectButton() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertEquals(1, $crawler
      ->count(), '->selectButton() selects buttons');
      ->assertEquals(1, $crawler
      ->count(), '->selectButton() selects buttons');
      ->assertEquals(1, $crawler
      ->count(), '->selectButton() selects buttons');
      ->assertEquals(1, $crawler
      ->count(), '->selectButton() selects buttons');
      ->assertEquals(1, $crawler
      ->count(), '->selectButton() selects buttons');
      ->assertEquals(1, $crawler
      ->count(), '->selectButton() selects buttons');
      ->assertEquals(1, $crawler
      ->count(), '->selectButton() selects buttons with form attribute too');
      ->assertEquals(1, $crawler
      ->count(), '->selectButton() selects buttons with form attribute too');
  public function testSelectButtonWithSingleQuotesInNameAttribute() {
    $html = <<<HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <div id="action">
        <a href="/index.php?r=site/login">Login</a>
    <form id="login-form" action="/index.php?r=site/login" method="post">
        <button type="submit" name="Click 'Here'">Submit</button>
    $crawler = new Crawler($html);
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->selectButton('Click \'Here\''));
  public function testSelectButtonWithDoubleQuotesInNameAttribute() {
    $html = <<<HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <div id="action">
        <a href="/index.php?r=site/login">Login</a>
    <form id="login-form" action="/index.php?r=site/login" method="post">
        <button type="submit" name='Click "Here"'>Submit</button>
    $crawler = new Crawler($html);
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->selectButton('Click "Here"'));
  public function testLink() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Link', $crawler
      ->link(), '->link() returns a Link instance');
      ->assertEquals('POST', $crawler
      ->getMethod(), '->link() takes a method as its argument');
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertEquals('', $crawler
      ->getUri(), '->link() returns a Link instance');
    try {
        ->fail('->link() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->link() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testSelectLinkAndLinkFiltered() {
    $html = <<<HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <div id="action">
        <a href="/index.php?r=site/login">Login</a>
    <form id="login-form" action="/index.php?r=site/login" method="post">
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    $crawler = new Crawler($html);
    $filtered = $crawler
      ->filterXPath("descendant-or-self::*[@id = 'login-form']");
      ->assertCount(0, $filtered
      ->assertCount(1, $filtered
    $filtered = $crawler
      ->filterXPath("descendant-or-self::*[@id = 'action']");
      ->assertCount(1, $filtered
      ->assertCount(0, $filtered
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
  public function testChaining() {
    $crawler = new Crawler('<div name="a"><div name="b"><div name="c"></div></div></div>');
      ->assertEquals('a', $crawler
  public function testLinks() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertInternalType('array', $crawler
      ->links(), '->links() returns an array');
      ->assertCount(4, $crawler
      ->links(), '->links() returns an array');
    $links = $crawler
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Link', $links[0], '->links() returns an array of Link instances');
      ->assertEquals(array(), $this
      ->links(), '->links() returns an empty array if the node selection is empty');
  public function testForm() {
    $testCrawler = $this
    $crawler = $testCrawler
    $crawler2 = $testCrawler
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Form', $crawler
      ->form(), '->form() returns a Form instance');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Form', $crawler2
      ->form(), '->form() returns a Form instance');
      ->getAttribute('id'), $crawler2
      ->getAttribute('id'), '->form() works on elements with form attribute');
      'FooName' => 'FooBar',
      'TextName' => 'TextValue',
      'FooTextName' => 'FooTextValue',
    ), $crawler
      'FooName' => 'FooBar',
      ->getValues(), '->form() takes an array of values to submit as its first argument');
      'FooName' => 'FooValue',
      'TextName' => 'TextValue',
      'FooTextName' => 'FooTextValue',
    ), $crawler
      ->getValues(), '->getValues() returns correct form values');
      'FooBarName' => 'FooBarValue',
      'TextName' => 'TextValue',
      'FooTextName' => 'FooTextValue',
    ), $crawler2
      ->getValues(), '->getValues() returns correct form values');
    try {
        ->fail('->form() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->form() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testLast() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->last(), '->last() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->last() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertEquals('Three', $crawler
  public function testFirst() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->first(), '->first() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->first() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertEquals('One', $crawler
  public function testSiblings() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->siblings(), '->siblings() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->siblings() returns a new instance of a crawler');
    $nodes = $crawler
      ->assertEquals(2, $nodes
      ->assertEquals('One', $nodes
      ->assertEquals('Three', $nodes
    $nodes = $this
      ->assertEquals(2, $nodes
      ->assertEquals('Two', $nodes
      ->assertEquals('Three', $nodes
    try {
        ->fail('->siblings() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->siblings() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testNextAll() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->nextAll(), '->nextAll() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->nextAll() returns a new instance of a crawler');
    $nodes = $crawler
      ->assertEquals(1, $nodes
      ->assertEquals('Three', $nodes
    try {
        ->fail('->nextAll() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->nextAll() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testPreviousAll() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->previousAll(), '->previousAll() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->previousAll() returns a new instance of a crawler');
    $nodes = $crawler
      ->assertEquals(2, $nodes
      ->assertEquals('Two', $nodes
    try {
        ->fail('->previousAll() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->previousAll() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
  public function testChildren() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->children(), '->children() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->children() returns a new instance of a crawler');
    $nodes = $crawler
      ->assertEquals(3, $nodes
      ->assertEquals('One', $nodes
      ->assertEquals('Two', $nodes
      ->assertEquals('Three', $nodes
    try {
        ->fail('->children() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->children() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    try {
      $crawler = new Crawler('<p></p>');
        ->assertTrue(true, '->children() does not trigger a notice if the node has no children');
    } catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice $e) {
        ->fail('->children() does not trigger a notice if the node has no children');
  public function testParents() {
    $crawler = $this
      ->assertNotSame($crawler, $crawler
      ->parents(), '->parents() returns a new instance of a crawler');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler', $crawler, '->parents() returns a new instance of a crawler');
    $nodes = $crawler
      ->assertEquals(3, $nodes
    $nodes = $this
      ->assertEquals(0, $nodes
    try {
        ->fail('->parents() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        ->assertTrue(true, '->parents() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if the node list is empty');

   * @dataProvider getBaseTagData
  public function testBaseTag($baseValue, $linkValue, $expectedUri, $currentUri = null, $description = null) {
    $crawler = new Crawler('<html><base href="' . $baseValue . '"><a href="' . $linkValue . '"></a></html>', $currentUri);
      ->assertEquals($expectedUri, $crawler
      ->getUri(), $description);
  public function getBaseTagData() {
    return array(
        '<base> tag can use a schema-less URL',
        '<base> tag can set a path',
        '<base> tag does work with links to an anchor',
        '<base> tag does work with empty links',

   * @dataProvider getBaseTagWithFormData
  public function testBaseTagWithForm($baseValue, $actionValue, $expectedUri, $currentUri = null, $description = null) {
    $crawler = new Crawler('<html><base href="' . $baseValue . '"><form method="post" action="' . $actionValue . '"><button type="submit" name="submit"/></form></html>', $currentUri);
      ->assertEquals($expectedUri, $crawler
      ->getUri(), $description);
  public function getBaseTagWithFormData() {
    return array(
        '<base> tag does work with a path and relative form action',
        '<base> tag does work with a path and form action',
        '<base> tag does work with a path and empty form action',
        '<base> tag does work with a URL and form action',
        '<base> tag does work with a URL and an empty form action',
        '<base> tag does work with a URL and form action',
  public function testCountOfNestedElements() {
    $crawler = new Crawler('<html><body><ul><li>List item 1<ul><li>Sublist item 1</li><li>Sublist item 2</ul></li></ul></body></html>');
      ->assertCount(1, $crawler
      ->filter('li:contains("List item 1")'));
  public function createTestCrawler($uri = null) {
    $dom = new \DOMDocument();
                    <a href="foo">Foo</a>
                    <a href="/foo">   Fabien\'s Foo   </a>
                    <a href="/foo">Fabien"s Foo</a>
                    <a href="/foo">\' Fabien"s Foo</a>

                    <a href="/bar"><img alt="Bar"/></a>
                    <a href="/bar"><img alt="   Fabien\'s Bar   "/></a>
                    <a href="/bar"><img alt="Fabien&quot;s Bar"/></a>
                    <a href="/bar"><img alt="\' Fabien&quot;s Bar"/></a>

                    <a href="?get=param">GetLink</a>

                    <form action="foo" id="FooFormId">
                        <input type="text" value="TextValue" name="TextName" />
                        <input type="submit" value="FooValue" name="FooName" id="FooId" />
                        <input type="button" value="BarValue" name="BarName" id="BarId" />
                        <button value="ButtonValue" name="ButtonName" id="ButtonId" />

                    <input type="submit" value="FooBarValue" name="FooBarName" form="FooFormId" />
                    <input type="text" value="FooTextValue" name="FooTextName" form="FooFormId" />

                    <ul class="first">
                        <li class="first">One</li>
                        <li>One Bis</li>
                        <li>Two Bis</li>
                        <li>Three Bis</li>
                    <div id="parent">
                        <div id="child"></div>
                        <div id="child2" xmlns:foo=""></div>
                    <div id="sibling"><img /></div>
    return new Crawler($dom, $uri);
  protected function createTestXmlCrawler($uri = null) {
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <entry xmlns="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:yt="">
                <yt:accessControl action="comment" permission="allowed"/>
                <yt:accessControl action="videoRespond" permission="moderated"/>
                    <media:title type="plain">Chordates - CrashCourse Biology #24</media:title>
                <media:category label="Music" scheme="">Music</media:category>
    return new Crawler($xml, $uri);
  protected function createDomDocument() {
    $dom = new \DOMDocument();
      ->loadXML('<html><div class="foo"></div></html>');
    return $dom;
  protected function createNodeList() {
    $dom = new \DOMDocument();
      ->loadXML('<html><div class="foo"></div></html>');
    $domxpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
    return $domxpath



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