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PhpDumperTest.php in Zircon Profile 8


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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Tests\Dumper;

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper\PhpDumper;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBag;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition;
class PhpDumperTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  protected static $fixturesPath;
  public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
    self::$fixturesPath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../Fixtures/');
  public function testDump() {
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container = new ContainerBuilder());
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services1.php', $dumper
      ->dump(), '->dump() dumps an empty container as an empty PHP class');
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services1-1.php', $dumper
      'class' => 'Container',
      'base_class' => 'AbstractContainer',
      'namespace' => 'Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Dump',
    )), '->dump() takes a class and a base_class options');
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
    new PhpDumper($container);
  public function testDumpOptimizationString() {
    $definition = new Definition();
      'only dot' => '.',
      'concatenation as value' => '.\'\'.',
      'concatenation from the start value' => '\'\'.',
      '.' => 'dot as a key',
      '.\'\'.' => 'concatenation as a key',
      '\'\'.' => 'concatenation from the start key',
      'optimize concatenation' => 'string1%some_string%string2',
      'optimize concatenation with empty string' => 'string1%empty_value%string2',
      'optimize concatenation from the start' => '%empty_value%start',
      'optimize concatenation at the end' => 'end%empty_value%',
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
      ->setDefinition('test', $definition);
      ->setParameter('empty_value', '');
      ->setParameter('some_string', '-');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services10.php', $dumper
      ->dump(), '->dump() dumps an empty container as an empty PHP class');
  public function testDumpRelativeDir() {
    $definition = new Definition();
      '%foo%' => '%buz%/',
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
      ->setDefinition('test', $definition);
      ->setParameter('foo', 'wiz' . dirname(__DIR__));
      ->setParameter('bar', __DIR__);
      ->setParameter('baz', '%bar%/PhpDumperTest.php');
      ->setParameter('buz', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)));
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services12.php', $dumper
      'file' => __FILE__,
    )), '->dump() dumps __DIR__ relative strings');

   * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
  public function testExportParameters() {
    $dumper = new PhpDumper(new ContainerBuilder(new ParameterBag(array(
      'foo' => new Reference('foo'),
  public function testAddParameters() {
    $container = (include self::$fixturesPath . '/containers/container8.php');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services8.php', $dumper
      ->dump(), '->dump() dumps parameters');
  public function testAddService() {

    // without compilation
    $container = (include self::$fixturesPath . '/containers/container9.php');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
      ->assertEquals(str_replace('%path%', str_replace('\\', '\\\\', self::$fixturesPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), file_get_contents(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services9.php')), $dumper
      ->dump(), '->dump() dumps services');

    // with compilation
    $container = (include self::$fixturesPath . '/containers/container9.php');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
      ->assertEquals(str_replace('%path%', str_replace('\\', '\\\\', self::$fixturesPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), file_get_contents(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services9_compiled.php')), $dumper
      ->dump(), '->dump() dumps services');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container = new ContainerBuilder());
      ->register('foo', 'FooClass')
      ->addArgument(new \stdClass());
    try {
        ->fail('->dump() throws a RuntimeException if the container to be dumped has reference to objects or resources');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\RuntimeException', $e, '->dump() throws a RuntimeException if the container to be dumped has reference to objects or resources');
        ->assertEquals('Unable to dump a service container if a parameter is an object or a resource.', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->dump() throws a RuntimeException if the container to be dumped has reference to objects or resources');

   * @group legacy
  public function testLegacySynchronizedServices() {
    $container = (include self::$fixturesPath . '/containers/container20.php');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
      ->assertEquals(str_replace('%path%', str_replace('\\', '\\\\', self::$fixturesPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), file_get_contents(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services20.php')), $dumper
      ->dump(), '->dump() dumps services');
  public function testServicesWithAnonymousFactories() {
    $container = (include self::$fixturesPath . '/containers/container19.php');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services19.php', $dumper
      ->dump(), '->dump() dumps services with anonymous factories');

   * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage Service id "bar$" cannot be converted to a valid PHP method name.
  public function testAddServiceInvalidServiceId() {
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
      ->register('bar$', 'FooClass');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
  public function testAliases() {
    $container = (include self::$fixturesPath . '/containers/container9.php');
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
    eval('?>' . $dumper
      'class' => 'Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Aliases',
    $container = new \Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Aliases();
      ->set('foo', $foo = new \stdClass());
      ->assertSame($foo, $container
      ->assertSame($foo, $container
      ->assertSame($foo, $container
  public function testFrozenContainerWithoutAliases() {
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);
    eval('?>' . $dumper
      'class' => 'Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Frozen_No_Aliases',
    $container = new \Symfony_DI_PhpDumper_Test_Frozen_No_Aliases();
  public function testOverrideServiceWhenUsingADumpedContainer() {
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services9.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/includes/foo.php';
    $container = new \ProjectServiceContainer();
      ->set('bar', $bar = new \stdClass());
      ->setParameter('foo_bar', 'foo_bar');
      ->assertEquals($bar, $container
      ->get('bar'), '->set() overrides an already defined service');
  public function testOverrideServiceWhenUsingADumpedContainerAndServiceIsUsedFromAnotherOne() {
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/php/services9.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/includes/foo.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/includes/classes.php';
    $container = new \ProjectServiceContainer();
      ->set('bar', $bar = new \stdClass());
      ->assertSame($bar, $container
      ->get('foo')->bar, '->set() overrides an already defined service');

   * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException
  public function testCircularReference() {
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
      ->register('foo', 'stdClass')
      ->addArgument(new Reference('bar'));
      ->register('bar', 'stdClass')
      ->addMethodCall('setA', array(
      new Reference('baz'),
      ->register('baz', 'stdClass')
      ->addMethodCall('setA', array(
      new Reference('foo'),
    $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);



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