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public function ObjectComparator::assertEquals in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 vendor/sebastian/comparator/src/ObjectComparator.php \SebastianBergmann\Comparator\ObjectComparator::assertEquals()

Asserts that two values are equal.


mixed $expected The first value to compare:

mixed $actual The second value to compare:

float $delta The allowed numerical distance between two values to: consider them equal

bool $canonicalize If set to TRUE, arrays are sorted before: comparison

bool $ignoreCase If set to TRUE, upper- and lowercasing is: ignored when comparing string values

array $processed:


ComparisonFailure Thrown when the comparison fails. Contains information about the specific errors that lead to the failure.

Overrides ArrayComparator::assertEquals

2 methods override ObjectComparator::assertEquals()
DateTimeComparator::assertEquals in vendor/sebastian/comparator/src/DateTimeComparator.php
Asserts that two values are equal.
DOMNodeComparator::assertEquals in vendor/sebastian/comparator/src/DOMNodeComparator.php
Asserts that two values are equal.


vendor/sebastian/comparator/src/ObjectComparator.php, line 46


Compares objects for equality.




public function assertEquals($expected, $actual, $delta = 0.0, $canonicalize = false, $ignoreCase = false, array &$processed = array()) {
  if (get_class($actual) !== get_class($expected)) {
    throw new ComparisonFailure($expected, $actual, $this->exporter
      ->export($expected), $this->exporter
      ->export($actual), false, sprintf('%s is not instance of expected class "%s".', $this->exporter
      ->export($actual), get_class($expected)));

  // don't compare twice to allow for cyclic dependencies
  if (in_array(array(
  ), $processed, true) || in_array(array(
  ), $processed, true)) {
  $processed[] = array(

  // don't compare objects if they are identical
  // this helps to avoid the error "maximum function nesting level reached"
  // CAUTION: this conditional clause is not tested
  if ($actual !== $expected) {
    try {
        ->toArray($expected), $this
        ->toArray($actual), $delta, $canonicalize, $ignoreCase, $processed);
    } catch (ComparisonFailure $e) {
      throw new ComparisonFailure($expected, $actual, substr_replace($e
        ->getExpectedAsString(), get_class($expected) . ' Object', 0, 5), substr_replace($e
        ->getActualAsString(), get_class($actual) . ' Object', 0, 5), false, 'Failed asserting that two objects are equal.');