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MockObjectTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0

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  1. 8 vendor/phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects/tests/MockObjectTest.php


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 * This file is part of the PHPUnit_MockObject package.
 * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

 * @since      Class available since Release 3.0.0
class Framework_MockObjectTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  public function testMockedMethodIsNeverCalled() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsNeverCalledWithParameter() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsNotCalledWhenExpectsAnyWithParameter() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsNotCalledWhenMethodSpecifiedDirectlyWithParameter() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledAtLeastOnce() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledAtLeastOnce2() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledAtLeastTwice() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledAtLeastTwice2() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledAtMostTwice() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledAtMosttTwice2() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledOnce() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledOnceWithParameter() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testMockedMethodIsCalledExactly() {
    $mock = $this
  public function testStubbedException() {
    $mock = $this
      ->throwException(new Exception()));
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
  public function testStubbedWillThrowException() {
    $mock = $this
      ->willThrowException(new Exception());
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
  public function testStubbedReturnValue() {
    $mock = $this
      ->assertEquals('something', $mock
    $mock = $this
      ->assertEquals('something', $mock
  public function testStubbedReturnValueMap() {
    $map = array(
    $mock = $this
      ->assertEquals('d', $mock
      ->doSomething('a', 'b', 'c'));
      ->assertEquals('h', $mock
      ->doSomething('e', 'f', 'g'));
      ->assertEquals(null, $mock
      ->doSomething('foo', 'bar'));
    $mock = $this
      ->assertEquals('d', $mock
      ->doSomething('a', 'b', 'c'));
      ->assertEquals('h', $mock
      ->doSomething('e', 'f', 'g'));
      ->assertEquals(null, $mock
      ->doSomething('foo', 'bar'));
  public function testStubbedReturnArgument() {
    $mock = $this
      ->assertEquals('b', $mock
      ->doSomething('a', 'b'));
    $mock = $this
      ->assertEquals('b', $mock
      ->doSomething('a', 'b'));
  public function testFunctionCallback() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', false);
      ->assertEquals('pass', $mock
      ->doSomething('foo', 'bar'));
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', false);
      ->assertEquals('pass', $mock
      ->doSomething('foo', 'bar'));
  public function testStubbedReturnSelf() {
    $mock = $this
      ->assertEquals($mock, $mock
    $mock = $this
      ->assertEquals($mock, $mock
  public function testStubbedReturnOnConsecutiveCalls() {
    $mock = $this
      ->onConsecutiveCalls('a', 'b', 'c'));
      ->assertEquals('a', $mock
      ->assertEquals('b', $mock
      ->assertEquals('c', $mock
    $mock = $this
      ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls('a', 'b', 'c');
      ->assertEquals('a', $mock
      ->assertEquals('b', $mock
      ->assertEquals('c', $mock
  public function testStaticMethodCallback() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', false);
      ->assertEquals('pass', $mock
      ->doSomething('foo', 'bar'));
  public function testPublicMethodCallback() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', false);
      new MethodCallback(),
      ->assertEquals('pass', $mock
      ->doSomething('foo', 'bar'));
  public function testMockClassOnlyGeneratedOnce() {
    $mock1 = $this
    $mock2 = $this
      ->assertEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock2));
  public function testMockClassDifferentForPartialMocks() {
    $mock1 = $this
    $mock2 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(
    $mock3 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(
    $mock4 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(
    $mock5 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock2));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock3));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock4));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock5));
      ->assertEquals(get_class($mock2), get_class($mock3));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock2), get_class($mock4));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock2), get_class($mock5));
      ->assertEquals(get_class($mock4), get_class($mock5));
  public function testMockClassStoreOverrulable() {
    $mock1 = $this
    $mock2 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(), array(), 'MyMockClassNameForPartialMockTestClass1');
    $mock3 = $this
    $mock4 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(
    ), array(), 'AnotherMockClassNameForPartialMockTestClass');
    $mock5 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(), array(), 'MyMockClassNameForPartialMockTestClass2');
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock2));
      ->assertEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock3));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock4));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock2), get_class($mock3));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock2), get_class($mock4));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock2), get_class($mock5));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock3), get_class($mock4));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock3), get_class($mock5));
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock4), get_class($mock5));

   * @covers PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator::getMock
  public function testGetMockWithFixedClassNameCanProduceTheSameMockTwice() {
    $mock = $this
    $mock = $this
      ->assertInstanceOf('StdClass', $mock);
  public function testOriginalConstructorSettingConsidered() {
    $mock1 = $this
    $mock2 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(), array(), '', false);
  public function testOriginalCloneSettingConsidered() {
    $mock1 = $this
    $mock2 = $this
      ->getMock('PartialMockTestClass', array(), array(), '', true, false);
      ->assertNotEquals(get_class($mock1), get_class($mock2));
  public function testGetMockForAbstractClass() {
    $mock = $this
  public function traversableProvider() {
    return array(

   * @dataProvider traversableProvider
  public function testGetMockForTraversable($type) {
    $mock = $this
      ->assertInstanceOf('Traversable', $mock);
  public function testMultipleInterfacesCanBeMockedInSingleObject() {
    $mock = $this
      ->assertInstanceOf('AnInterface', $mock);
      ->assertInstanceOf('AnotherInterface', $mock);

   * @requires PHP 5.4.0
  public function testGetMockForTrait() {
    $mock = $this
    $parent = get_parent_class($mock);
    $traits = class_uses($parent, false);
      ->assertContains('AbstractTrait', $traits);
  public function testClonedMockObjectShouldStillEqualTheOriginal() {
    $a = $this
    $b = clone $a;
      ->assertEquals($a, $b);
  public function testMockObjectsConstructedIndepentantlyShouldBeEqual() {
    $a = $this
    $b = $this
      ->assertEquals($a, $b);
  public function testMockObjectsConstructedIndepentantlyShouldNotBeTheSame() {
    $a = $this
    $b = $this
      ->assertNotSame($a, $b);
  public function testClonedMockObjectCanBeUsedInPlaceOfOriginalOne() {
    $x = $this
    $y = clone $x;
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('stdClass', array(
  public function testClonedMockObjectIsNotIdenticalToOriginalOne() {
    $x = $this
    $y = clone $x;
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('stdClass', array(
  public function testObjectMethodCallWithArgumentCloningEnabled() {
    $expectedObject = new StdClass();
    $mock = $this
    $actualArguments = array();
      ->returnCallback(function () use (&$actualArguments) {
      $actualArguments = func_get_args();
      ->assertEquals(1, count($actualArguments));
      ->assertEquals($expectedObject, $actualArguments[0]);
      ->assertNotSame($expectedObject, $actualArguments[0]);
  public function testObjectMethodCallWithArgumentCloningDisabled() {
    $expectedObject = new StdClass();
    $mock = $this
    $actualArguments = array();
      ->returnCallback(function () use (&$actualArguments) {
      $actualArguments = func_get_args();
      ->assertEquals(1, count($actualArguments));
      ->assertSame($expectedObject, $actualArguments[0]);
  public function testArgumentCloningOptionGeneratesUniqueMock() {
    $mockWithCloning = $this
    $mockWithoutCloning = $this
      ->assertNotEquals($mockWithCloning, $mockWithoutCloning);
  public function testVerificationOfMethodNameFailsWithoutParameters() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', true, true, true);
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception');
    } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
        ->assertSame("Expectation failed for method name is equal to <string:right> when invoked 1 time(s).\n" . "Method was expected to be called 1 times, actually called 0 times.\n", $e
  public function testVerificationOfMethodNameFailsWithParameters() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', true, true, true);
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception');
    } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
        ->assertSame("Expectation failed for method name is equal to <string:right> when invoked 1 time(s).\n" . "Method was expected to be called 1 times, actually called 0 times.\n", $e
  public function testVerificationOfMethodNameFailsWithWrongParameters() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', true, true, true);
    try {
    } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
        ->assertSame("Expectation failed for method name is equal to <string:right> when invoked 1 time(s)\n" . "Parameter 0 for invocation SomeClass::right(Array (...)) does not match expected value.\n" . "Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.", $e
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception');
    } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
        ->assertSame("Expectation failed for method name is equal to <string:right> when invoked 1 time(s).\n" . "Parameter 0 for invocation SomeClass::right(Array (...)) does not match expected value.\n" . "Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.\n" . "--- Expected\n" . "+++ Actual\n" . "@@ @@\n" . " Array (\n" . "-    0 => 'first'\n" . "-    1 => 'second'\n" . "+    0 => 'second'\n" . " )\n", $e
  public function testVerificationOfNeverFailsWithEmptyParameters() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', true, true, true);
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception');
    } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
        ->assertSame('SomeClass::right() was not expected to be called.', $e
  public function testVerificationOfNeverFailsWithAnyParameters() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', true, true, true);
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception');
    } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
        ->assertSame('SomeClass::right() was not expected to be called.', $e

   * @ticket 199
  public function testWithAnythingInsteadOfWithAnyParameters() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMock('SomeClass', array(
    ), array(), '', true, true, true);
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception');
    } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
        ->assertSame("Expectation failed for method name is equal to <string:right> when invoked 1 time(s)\n" . "Parameter count for invocation SomeClass::right() is too low.\n" . "To allow 0 or more parameters with any value, omit ->with() or use ->withAnyParameters() instead.", $e

   * See
  public function testMockArgumentsPassedByReference() {
    $foo = $this
    $a = $b = $c = 0;
      ->bar($a, $b, $c);
      ->assertEquals(1, $b);

   * See
  public function testMockArgumentsPassedByReference2() {
    $foo = $this
      ->returnCallback(function (&$a, &$b, $c) {
      $b = 1;
    $a = $b = $c = 0;
      ->bar($a, $b, $c);
      ->assertEquals(1, $b);

  public function testMockArgumentsPassedByReference3() {
    $foo = $this
    $a = new stdClass();
    $b = $c = 0;
      ->with($a, $b, $c)
      ->bar($a, $b, $c);

  public function testMockArgumentsPassedByReference4() {
    $foo = $this
    $a = new stdClass();
    $b = $c = 0;
      ->isInstanceOf("stdClass"), $b, $c)
      ->bar($a, $b, $c);

   * @requires extension soap
  public function testCreateMockFromWsdl() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMockFromWsdl(__DIR__ . '/_fixture/GoogleSearch.wsdl', 'WsdlMock');
      ->assertStringStartsWith('Mock_WsdlMock_', get_class($mock));

   * @requires extension soap
  public function testCreateNamespacedMockFromWsdl() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMockFromWsdl(__DIR__ . '/_fixture/GoogleSearch.wsdl', 'My\\Space\\WsdlMock');
      ->assertStringStartsWith('Mock_WsdlMock_', get_class($mock));

   * @requires extension soap
  public function testCreateTwoMocksOfOneWsdlFile() {
    $mock = $this
      ->getMockFromWsdl(__DIR__ . '/_fixture/GoogleSearch.wsdl');
    $mock = $this
      ->getMockFromWsdl(__DIR__ . '/_fixture/GoogleSearch.wsdl');

   * @see
   * @ticket 156
  public function testInterfaceWithStaticMethodCanBeStubbed() {
      ->assertInstanceOf('InterfaceWithStaticMethod', $this

   * @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_BadMethodCallException
  public function testInvokingStubbedStaticMethodRaisesException() {
    $mock = $this

   * @see
   * @ticket 171
  public function testStubForClassThatImplementsSerializableCanBeCreatedWithoutInvokingTheConstructor() {
      ->assertInstanceOf('ClassThatImplementsSerializable', $this
  private function resetMockObjects() {
    $refl = new ReflectionObject($this);
    $refl = $refl
    $prop = $refl
      ->setValue($this, array());



Namesort descending Description
Framework_MockObjectTest @since Class available since Release 3.0.0