73 calls to PHPUnit_Util_InvalidArgumentHelper::factory() in Zircon Profile 8
- PHPUnit_Extensions_PhptTestCase::__construct in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Extensions/ PhptTestCase.php - Constructs a test case with the given filename.
- PHPUnit_Extensions_PhptTestSuite::__construct in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Extensions/ PhptTestSuite.php - Constructs a new TestSuite for .phpt test cases.
- PHPUnit_Extensions_RepeatedTest::__construct in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Extensions/ RepeatedTest.php - PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertArrayHasKey in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an array has a specified key.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertArrayNotHasKey in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an array does not have a specified key.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertArraySubset in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an array has a specified subset.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertClassHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a class has a specified attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertClassHasStaticAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a class has a specified static attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertClassNotHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a class does not have a specified attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertClassNotHasStaticAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a class does not have a specified static attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContains in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack contains a needle.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContainsOnly in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack contains only values of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack contains only instances of a given classname
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertCount in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFileExists in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a file exists.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFileNotExists in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a file does not exist.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInstanceOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertJson in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string is a valid JSON string.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotContains in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack does not contain a needle.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotContainsOnly in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack does not contain only values of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotCount in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotInstanceOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is not of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotInternalType in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is not of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotRegExp in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string does not match a given regular expression.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotSameSize in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Assert that the size of two arrays (or `Countable` or `Traversable` objects) is not the same.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertObjectHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an object has a specified attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertObjectNotHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an object does not have a specified attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertRegExp in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string matches a given regular expression.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertSameSize in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Assert that the size of two arrays (or `Countable` or `Traversable` objects) is the same.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringEndsNotWith in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string ends not with a given suffix.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringEndsWith in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string ends with a given suffix.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringMatchesFormat in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string matches a given format string.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringMatchesFormatFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string matches a given format file.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringNotMatchesFormat in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string does not match a given format string.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringNotMatchesFormatFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string does not match a given format string.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringStartsNotWith in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string starts not with a given prefix.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringStartsWith in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string starts with a given prefix.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::getObjectAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Returns the value of an object's attribute. This also works for attributes that are declared protected or private.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::getStaticAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Returns the value of a static attribute. This also works for attributes that are declared protected or private.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::readAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Returns the value of an attribute of a class or an object. This also works for attributes that are declared protected or private.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_Callback::__construct in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Constraint/ Callback.php - PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEqual::__construct in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Constraint/ IsEqual.php - PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_TraversableContains::__construct in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Constraint/ TraversableContains.php - PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator::getMock in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit-mock-objects/ src/ Framework/ MockObject/ Generator.php - Returns a mock object for the specified class.
- PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator::getMockForAbstractClass in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit-mock-objects/ src/ Framework/ MockObject/ Generator.php - Returns a mock object for the specified abstract class with all abstract methods of the class mocked. Concrete methods to mock can be specified with the last parameter
- PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator::getMockForTrait in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit-mock-objects/ src/ Framework/ MockObject/ Generator.php - Returns a mock object for the specified trait with all abstract methods of the trait mocked. Concrete methods to mock can be specified with the `$mockedMethods` parameter.
- PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator::getObjectForTrait in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit-mock-objects/ src/ Framework/ MockObject/ Generator.php - Returns an object for the specified trait.
- PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_MethodName::__construct in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit-mock-objects/ src/ Framework/ MockObject/ Matcher/ MethodName.php - PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::iniSet in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestCase.php - This method is a wrapper for the ini_set() function that automatically resets the modified php.ini setting to its original value after the test is run.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::setInIsolation in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestCase.php - @since Method available since Release 3.4.0
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::setOutputCallback in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestCase.php - @since Method available since Release 3.6.0
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::setPreserveGlobalState in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestCase.php - @since Method available since Release 3.4.0
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::setRunTestInSeparateProcess in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestCase.php - @since Method available since Release 3.4.0
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::beStrictAboutOutputDuringTests in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - @since Method available since Release 4.0.0
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::beStrictAboutTestSize in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - @since Method available since Release 4.0.0
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::beStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - @since Method available since Release 4.0.0
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::beStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - @since Method available since Release 4.2.0
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::convertErrorsToExceptions in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Enables or disables the error-to-exception conversion.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::setTimeoutForLargeTests in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Sets the timeout for large tests.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::setTimeoutForMediumTests in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Sets the timeout for medium tests.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::setTimeoutForSmallTests in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Sets the timeout for small tests.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::stopOnError in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Enables or disables the stopping when an error occurs.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::stopOnFailure in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Enables or disables the stopping when a failure occurs.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::stopOnIncomplete in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Enables or disables the stopping for incomplete tests.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::stopOnRisky in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Enables or disables the stopping for risky tests.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult::stopOnSkipped in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestResult.php - Enables or disables the stopping for skipped tests.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite::addTestFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestSuite.php - Wraps both <code>addTest()</code> and <code>addTestSuite</code> as well as the separate import statements for the user's convenience.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite::addTestFiles in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestSuite.php - Wrapper for addTestFile() that adds multiple test files.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite::addTestSuite in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestSuite.php - Adds the tests from the given class to the suite.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite::setRunTestInSeparateProcess in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestSuite.php - @since Method available since Release 3.7.0
- PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter::__construct in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ TextUI/ ResultPrinter.php - Constructor.
- PHPUnit_Util_Printer::setAutoFlush in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Util/ Printer.php - Set auto-flushing mode.