88 calls to PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat() in Zircon Profile 8
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatAnything in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::anything
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatAnythingAndAnything in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::anything @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::logicalAnd
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatAnythingOrAnything in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::anything @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::logicalOr
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatAnythingXorNotAnything in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::anything @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::logicalNot @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::logicalXor
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatArrayHasKey in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::arrayHasKey
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatAttributeEquals in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::attribute @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::equalTo
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatAttributeEquals2 in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::attribute @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::equalTo @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatAttributeEqualTo in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::attribute @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::equalTo
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatCallback in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::callback
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatClassHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::classHasAttribute
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatClassHasStaticAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::classHasStaticAttribute
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatContains in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::contains
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatContainsOnly in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::containsOnly
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatContainsOnlyInstancesOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::containsOnlyInstancesOf
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatCountOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::countOf
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatEqualTo in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::equalTo
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatFileExists in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fileExists
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatGreaterThan in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::greaterThan
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatGreaterThanOrEqual in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::greaterThanOrEqual
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatIdenticalTo in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::identicalTo
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatIsEmpty in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::isEmpty
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatIsFalse in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::isFalse
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatIsInstanceOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::isInstanceOf
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatIsJson in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::isJson
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatIsTrue in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::isTrue
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatIsType in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::isType
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatLessThan in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::lessThan
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatLessThanOrEqual in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::lessThanOrEqual
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatMatchesRegularExpression in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::matchesRegularExpression
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatObjectHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::objectHasAttribute
- Framework_AssertTest::testAssertThatStringContains in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ tests/ Framework/ AssertTest.php - @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertThat @covers PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::stringContains
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertArrayHasKey in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an array has a specified key.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertArrayNotHasKey in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an array does not have a specified key.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertArraySubset in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an array has a specified subset.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertClassHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a class has a specified attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertClassHasStaticAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a class has a specified static attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertClassNotHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a class does not have a specified attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertClassNotHasStaticAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a class does not have a specified static attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContains in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack contains a needle.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContainsOnly in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack contains only values of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack contains only instances of a given classname
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertCount in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEmpty in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is empty.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that two variables are equal.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a condition is false.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFileExists in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a file exists.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFileNotExists in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a file does not exist.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertGreaterThan in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a value is greater than another value.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertGreaterThanOrEqual in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a value is greater than or equal to another value.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInstanceOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertJson in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string is a valid JSON string.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertJsonFileEqualsJsonFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that two JSON files are equal.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertJsonFileNotEqualsJsonFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that two JSON files are not equal.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertJsonStringEqualsJsonFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that the generated JSON encoded object and the content of the given file are equal.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertJsonStringNotEqualsJsonFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that the generated JSON encoded object and the content of the given file are not equal.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertLessThan in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a value is smaller than another value.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertLessThanOrEqual in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a value is smaller than or equal to another value.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotContains in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack does not contain a needle.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotContainsOnly in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a haystack does not contain only values of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotCount in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotEmpty in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is not empty.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotEquals in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that two variables are not equal.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotFalse in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a condition is not false.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotInstanceOf in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is not of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotInternalType in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is not of a given type.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotNull in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is not null.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotRegExp in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string does not match a given regular expression.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotSame in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that two variables do not have the same type and value. Used on objects, it asserts that two variables do not reference the same object.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotSameSize in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Assert that the size of two arrays (or `Countable` or `Traversable` objects) is not the same.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotTrue in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a condition is not true.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNull in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a variable is null.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertObjectHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an object has a specified attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertObjectNotHasAttribute in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that an object does not have a specified attribute.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertRegExp in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string matches a given regular expression.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertSame in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that two variables have the same type and value. Used on objects, it asserts that two variables reference the same object.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertSameSize in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Assert that the size of two arrays (or `Countable` or `Traversable` objects) is the same.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringEndsNotWith in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string ends not with a given suffix.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringEndsWith in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string ends with a given suffix.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringMatchesFormat in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string matches a given format string.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringMatchesFormatFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string matches a given format file.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringNotMatchesFormat in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string does not match a given format string.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringNotMatchesFormatFile in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string does not match a given format string.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringStartsNotWith in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string starts not with a given prefix.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringStartsWith in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a string starts with a given prefix.
- PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ Assert.php - Asserts that a condition is true.
- PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::runTest in vendor/
phpunit/ phpunit/ src/ Framework/ TestCase.php - Override to run the test and assert its state.
- Twig_Test_IntegrationTestCase::doIntegrationTest in vendor/
twig/ twig/ lib/ Twig/ Test/ IntegrationTestCase.php