148 calls to vfsStream::url() in Zircon Profile 8
- DirectoryIterationTestCase::recursiveDirectoryIterationWithDotsDisabled in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ DirectoryIterationTestCase.php - @test @group issue_50
- DirectoryIterationTestCase::recursiveDirectoryIterationWithDotsEnabled in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ DirectoryIterationTestCase.php - @test @group issue_50
- DrupalComponentTest::testAssertNoCoreUseage in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Component/ DrupalComponentTest.php - @covers \Drupal\Tests\Component\DrupalComponentTest::assertNoCoreUsage @dataProvider providerAssertNoCoreUseage
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserBroken in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Test if correct exception is thrown for a broken info file.
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserCommonInfo in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Tests common info file.
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserMissingKey in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Tests that missing required key is detected.
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserMissingKeys in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Tests that missing required keys are detected.
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserNonExisting in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Tests the functionality of the infoParser object.
- Issue104TestCase::vfsStreamCanHandleUrlEncodedPath in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ Issue104TestCase.php - @test
- Issue104TestCase::vfsStreamCanHandleUrlEncodedPathPassedByInternalPhpCode in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ Issue104TestCase.php - @test
- KernelTestBase::bootEnvironment in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ KernelTestBase.php - Bootstraps a basic test environment.
- PermissionHandlerTest::testBuildPermissionsSortPerModule in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Unit/ PermissionHandlerTest.php - Tests permissions sort inside a module.
- PermissionHandlerTest::testBuildPermissionsYaml in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Unit/ PermissionHandlerTest.php - Tests permissions provided by YML files.
- PermissionHandlerTest::testBuildPermissionsYamlCallback in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Unit/ PermissionHandlerTest.php - Tests dynamic callback permissions provided by YML files.
- PermissionHandlerTest::testPermissionsYamlStaticAndCallback in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Unit/ PermissionHandlerTest.php - Tests a YAML file containing both static permissions and a callback.
- PermissionsTestCase::canNotChangeGroupWhenDirectoryNotWriteable in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ PermissionsTestCase.php - @test @group issue_52
- PermissionsTestCase::canNotChangeGroupWhenFileNotOwned in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ PermissionsTestCase.php - @test @group issue_53
- PermissionsTestCase::canNotChangeOwnerWhenDirectoryNotWriteable in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ PermissionsTestCase.php - @test @group issue_52
- PermissionsTestCase::canNotChangeOwnerWhenFileNotOwned in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ PermissionsTestCase.php - @test @group issue_53
- PermissionsTestCase::canNotChangePermissionWhenDirectoryNotWriteable in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ PermissionsTestCase.php - @test @group issue_52
- PermissionsTestCase::canNotChangePermissionWhenFileNotOwned in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ PermissionsTestCase.php - @test @group issue_53
- PhpStorageTestBase::setUp in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Component/ PhpStorage/ PhpStorageTestBase.php - PhpTransliterationTest::testSafeInclude in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Component/ Transliteration/ PhpTransliterationTest.php - Tests inclusion is safe.
- UnlinkTestCase::canNotRemoveWritableFileFromNonWritableDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ UnlinkTestCase.php - @test @group issue_51
- UnlinkTestCase::canRemoveNonWritableFileFromWritableDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ UnlinkTestCase.php - @test @group issue_51
- vfsStreamAbstractContent::url in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ main/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamAbstractContent.php - returns complete vfsStream url for this content
- vfsStreamBlockTestCase::addStructure in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamBlockTestCase.php - tests adding a complex structure
- vfsStreamBlockTestCase::external in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamBlockTestCase.php - tests how external functions see this object
- vfsStreamExLockTestCase::filePutContentsLockShouldReportError in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamExLockTestCase.php - This test verifies the current behaviour where vfsStream URLs do not work with file_put_contents() and LOCK_EX. The test is intended to break once PHP changes this so we get notified about the change.
- vfsStreamExLockTestCase::flockSouldPass in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamExLockTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamGlobTestCase::globDoesNotWorkWithVfsStreamUrls in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamGlobTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamTestCase::url in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - assure that path2url conversion works correct
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithDefaultUmaskSetting in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithDifferentUmaskSetting in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithDifferentUmaskSettingButExplicit0777 in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithDifferentUmaskSettingButExplicitModeRequestedByCall in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithExplicit0 in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createFileUsingStreamWithDefaultUmaskSetting in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createFileUsingStreamWithDifferentUmaskSetting in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperBaseTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperBaseTestCase.php - set up test environment
- vfsStreamWrapperDirSeparatorTestCase::directoryExitsTestUsingTrailingWinDirSeparator in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirSeparatorTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::appendContentIfOpenedWithModeA in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue7 @group issue13
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::canNotOpenNonExistingFileReadAndWrite in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue7 @group issue13
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::canNotOpenNonExistingFileReadonly in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue7 @group issue13
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::canNotOverwriteExistingFileWithModeX in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue7 @group issue13
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::canNotReadFromWriteOnlyFileWithModeX in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue7 @group issue13
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::canNotRemoveFileFromDirectoryWithoutWritePermissions in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_15
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::cannotRenameToNonWritableDir in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::canOverwriteNonExistingFileWithModeX in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue7 @group issue13
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::createsNonExistingFileWhenOpenedWithModeC in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue_30
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::createsNonExistingFileWhenOpenedWithModeCplus in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue_30
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::doesNotTruncateFileWhenOpenedWithModeC in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue_30
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::doesNotTruncateFileWhenOpenedWithModeCplus in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue_30
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::file_get_contentsNonReadableFile in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_15
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::file_put_contentsExistingFileNonWritableDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_15
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::file_put_contentsExistingNonWritableFile in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_15
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::file_put_contentsNonExistingFileNonWritableDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_15
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::issue13CanNotOverwriteFiles in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue7 @group issue13
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::is_file in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - assert is_file() returns correct result
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::setsPointerToStartWhenOpenedWithModeC in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue_30
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::setsPointerToStartWhenOpenedWithModeCplus in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue_30
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase::truncatesFileWhenOpenedWithModeW in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTestCase.php - @test @group issue_30
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTimesTestCase::renameFileChangesAttributeAndModificationTimeOfAffectedDirectories in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTimesTestCase.php - @test @group issue_7
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTimesTestCase::renameFileDoesNotChangeFileTimesOfFileItself in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTimesTestCase.php - @test @group issue_7
- vfsStreamWrapperFileTimesTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFileTimesTestCase.php - set up test environment
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireEclusiveLock in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireEclusiveLockWithNonBlockingFlockCall in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireExclusiveLockIfAlreadySelfExclusivelyLocked in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireExclusiveLockIfAlreadySelfSharedLocked in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireSharedLock in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireSharedLockIfAlreadySelfExclusivelyLocked in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireSharedLockIfAlreadySelfSharedLocked in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireSharedLockIfAlreadySharedLockedOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canAquireSharedLockWithNonBlockingFlockCall in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canNotAquireExclusiveLockIfAlreadyExclusivelyLockedOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canNotAquireExclusiveLockIfAlreadySharedLockedOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canNotAquireSharedLockIfAlreadyExclusivelyLockedOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canNotRemoveExlusiveLockAcquiredOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canNotRemoveSharedLockAcquiredOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canRemoveLock in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canRemoveLockWhenNotLocked in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canRemoveLockWithNonBlockingFlockCall in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::canRemoveSharedLockWithoutRemovingSharedLockOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::notRemovesExclusiveLockOnStreamCloseIfExclusiveLockAcquiredOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::notRemovesSharedLockOnStreamCloseIfSharedLockAcquiredOnOtherFileHandler in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::removesExclusiveLockOnStreamClose in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_31 @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::removesSharedLockOnStreamClose in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test @group issue_31 @group issue_40
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::streamIsNotLockedByDefault in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::accessWithDoubleDotReturnsCorrectContent in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group bug_19
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::accessWithExcessDoubleDotsReturnsCorrectContent in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group bug_115
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::alwaysResolvesRootDirectoryAsOwnParentWithDoubleDot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group bug_115
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::canCreateFolderOfSameNameAsParentFolder in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_32
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::canNotIterateOverNonReadableDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_15
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::canNotUnlinkDirectoryWithoutRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - can not unlink without root
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::canRetrieveFolderOfSameNameAsParentFolder in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_32
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::issue17 in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_17
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::is_dir in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - assert is_dir() returns correct result
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkdirDirCanNotCreateNewDirInNonWritingDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_15
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkdirNoNewRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - mkdir() should not overwrite existing root
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkdirNoNewRootRecursively in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - mkdir() should not overwrite existing root
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkDirShouldNotOverwriteExistingDirectories in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_28
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkDirShouldNotOverwriteExistingDirectoriesAndTriggerE_USER_WARNING in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_28 @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error @expectedExceptionMessage mkdir(): Path vfs://root/dir exists
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkDirShouldNotOverwriteExistingFiles in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_28
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkDirShouldNotOverwriteExistingFilesAndTriggerE_USER_WARNING in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_28 @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error @expectedExceptionMessage mkdir(): Path vfs://root/test.txt exists
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkdirWithoutRootCreatesNewRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - no root > new directory becomes root
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkdirWithoutRootCreatesNewRootDifferentPermissions in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - no root > new directory becomes root
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkdirWithoutRootCreatesNewRootWithDefaultPermissions in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - no root > new directory becomes root
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::rmdirDirCanNotRemoveDirFromNonWritingDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group permissions @group bug_15
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::canNotTruncateToGreaterLengthWhenDiscQuotaReached in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test @group issue_33
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::considersAllFilesForQuota in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::truncateConsidersAllFilesForQuota in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test @group issue_33
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::truncateToLessThanQuotaWritesEverything in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test @group issue_33
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::truncateToMoreThanQotaWritesOnlyUpToQuota in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test @group issue_33
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::truncateUpToQotaWritesEverything in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test @group issue_33
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::writeLessThanQuotaWritesEverything in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::writeMoreThanQotaWritesOnlyUpToQuota in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::writeUpToQotaWritesEverything in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperSelectStreamTestCase::selectStream in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperStreamSelectTestCase.php - @test @expectedException \PHPUnit_Framework_Error
- vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase::removeBlockingDoesNotWork in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase::setBlockingDoesNotWork in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase::setTimeoutDoesNotWork in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase::setWriteBufferDoesNotWork in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::basename in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - assert basename() returns correct file name
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::directoriesAndNonExistingFilesAreNeverExecutable in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - assert is_executable() works correct
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::file_exists in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - assert that file_exists() delivers correct result
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::is_readable in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - assert is_readable() works correct
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::is_writable in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - assert is_writable() works correct
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::openFileWithoutDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::pathIsUpdatedAfterMove in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @group issue_34 @since 1.2.0
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::renameDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @author Benoit Aubuchon
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::renameDirectoryOverwritingExistingFile in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @author Benoit Aubuchon
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::renameDirectoryWithDots in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::renameDirectoryWithDotsInTarget in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @group issue_9 @since 0.9.0
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::renameFileIntoFile in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::renameFileToDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @author Benoit Aubuchon
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::renameOnDestinationDirectoryFileNotFound in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - assert that trying to rename to a directory that is not found trigger a warning
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::renameOnSourceFileNotFound in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - assert that trying to rename from a non existing file trigger a warning
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::unlinkRemovesFilesOnly in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @group issue_23
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::unlinkReturnsFalseWhenFileDoesNotExist in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @group issue_49
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::unlinkReturnsFalseWhenFileDoesNotExistAndFileWithSameNameExistsInRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @group issue_49
- vfsStreamWrapperTestCase::urlIsUpdatedAfterMove in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperTestCase.php - @test @group issue_34 @since 1.2.0
- vfsStreamWrapperWithoutRootTestCase::canNotOpen in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperWithoutRootTestCase.php - can not open a file without root
- vfsStreamWrapperWithoutRootTestCase::canNotOpenDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperWithoutRootTestCase.php - no root > no directory to open
- vfsStreamWrapperWithoutRootTestCase::canNotRename in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperWithoutRootTestCase.php - can not rename a file without root
- vfsStreamWrapperWithoutRootTestCase::canNotUnlink in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperWithoutRootTestCase.php - can not unlink without root
- vfsStreamZipTestCase::createZipArchive in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamZipTestCase.php - @test
- YamlDiscoveryTest::testDiscovery in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Component/ Discovery/ YamlDiscoveryTest.php - Tests the YAML file discovery.
- YamlDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitionsWithTranslatableDefinitions in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Plugin/ Discovery/ YamlDiscoveryTest.php - @covers ::getDefinitions