72 calls to vfsStream::setup() in Zircon Profile 8
- DirectoryIterationTestCase::recursiveDirectoryIterationWithDotsDisabled in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ DirectoryIterationTestCase.php - @test @group issue_50
- DirectoryIterationTestCase::recursiveDirectoryIterationWithDotsEnabled in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ DirectoryIterationTestCase.php - @test @group issue_50
- DrupalComponentTest::testAssertNoCoreUseage in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Component/ DrupalComponentTest.php - @covers \Drupal\Tests\Component\DrupalComponentTest::assertNoCoreUsage @dataProvider providerAssertNoCoreUseage
- DrupalKernelTest::testFindSitePath in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ DrupalKernel/ DrupalKernelTest.php - Tests site path finding.
- FileItemValidationTest::testFileValidationConstraint in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FileItemValidationTest.php - @covers \Drupal\file\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\FileValidationConstraint @covers \Drupal\file\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\FileValidationConstraintValidator @dataProvider getFileTypes
- FileSystemTest::testChmodDir in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ File/ FileSystemTest.php - @covers ::chmod
- FileSystemTest::testChmodFile in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ File/ FileSystemTest.php - @covers ::chmod
- FileSystemTest::testChmodUnsuccessful in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ File/ FileSystemTest.php - @covers ::chmod
- FileSystemTest::testUnlink in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ File/ FileSystemTest.php - @covers ::unlink
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserBroken in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Test if correct exception is thrown for a broken info file.
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserCommonInfo in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Tests common info file.
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserMissingKey in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Tests that missing required key is detected.
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserMissingKeys in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Tests that missing required keys are detected.
- InfoParserUnitTest::testInfoParserNonExisting in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Extension/ InfoParserUnitTest.php - Tests the functionality of the infoParser object.
- Issue104TestCase::vfsStreamCanHandleUrlEncodedPath in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ Issue104TestCase.php - @test
- Issue104TestCase::vfsStreamCanHandleUrlEncodedPathPassedByInternalPhpCode in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ Issue104TestCase.php - @test
- KernelTestBase::bootEnvironment in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ KernelTestBase.php - Bootstraps a basic test environment.
- PermissionsTestCase::setup in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ PermissionsTestCase.php - set up test environment
- PhpStorageTestBase::setUp in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Component/ PhpStorage/ PhpStorageTestBase.php - PhpTransliterationTest::testSafeInclude in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Component/ Transliteration/ PhpTransliterationTest.php - Tests inclusion is safe.
- UnlinkTestCase::canNotRemoveWritableFileFromNonWritableDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ UnlinkTestCase.php - @test @group issue_51
- UnlinkTestCase::canRemoveNonWritableFileFromWritableDirectory in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ UnlinkTestCase.php - @test @group issue_51
- UnlinkTestCase::unlinkNonExistingFileTriggersError in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ UnlinkTestCase.php - @test @since 1.4.0 @group issue_68
- UpdateRegistryTest::setupBasicModules in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Update/ UpdateRegistryTest.php - Sets up some modules with some update functions.
- vfsStreamBlockTestCase::external in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamBlockTestCase.php - tests how external functions see this object
- vfsStreamExLockTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamExLockTestCase.php - set up test environment
- vfsStreamGlobTestCase::globDoesNotWorkWithVfsStreamUrls in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamGlobTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamPrintVisitorTestCase::visitDirectoryWritesDirectoryNameToStream in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ visitor/ vfsStreamPrintVisitorTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamPrintVisitorTestCase::visitFileWritesBlockDeviceToStream in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ visitor/ vfsStreamPrintVisitorTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamPrintVisitorTestCase::visitFileWritesFileNameToStream in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ visitor/ vfsStreamPrintVisitorTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamPrintVisitorTestCase::visitRecursiveDirectoryStructure in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ visitor/ vfsStreamPrintVisitorTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamResolveIncludePathTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamResolveIncludePathTestCase.php - set up test environment
- vfsStreamStructureVisitorTestCase::visitRecursiveDirectoryStructure in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ visitor/ vfsStreamStructureVisitorTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamTestCase::copyFromEmptyFolderWithRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_4 @since 0.11.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::copyFromFileSystemMocksLargeFiles in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - To test this the max file size is reduced to something reproduceable.
- vfsStreamTestCase::copyFromPreservesFilePermissions in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_4 @group issue_29 @since 0.11.2
- vfsStreamTestCase::copyFromWithSubFoldersWithRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_4 @since 0.11.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::createArraysAreTurnedIntoSubdirectoriesOfRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::createCastsNumericDirectoriesToStringsWithRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::createStringsAreTurnedIntoFilesWithContentWithRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::createWorksRecursivelyWithRoot in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::inspectWithoutContentGivesRootToVisitor in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_10 @since 0.10.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::setupArraysAreTurnedIntoSubdirectories in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_14 @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::setupCastsNumericDirectoriesToStrings in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_17 @group issue_20
- vfsStreamTestCase::setupRegistersStreamWrapperAndCreatesRootDirectoryWithDefaultNameAndPermissions in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group setup @since 0.7.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::setupRegistersStreamWrapperAndCreatesRootDirectoryWithGivenNameAndDefaultPermissions in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group setup @since 0.7.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::setupRegistersStreamWrapperAndCreatesRootDirectoryWithGivenNameAndPermissions in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group setup @since 0.7.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::setupStringsAreTurnedIntoFilesWithContent in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_14 @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::setupWithEmptyArrayIsEqualToSetup in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_14 @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0
- vfsStreamTestCase::setupWorksRecursively in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php - @test @group issue_14 @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithDefaultUmaskSetting in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithDifferentUmaskSetting in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithDifferentUmaskSettingButExplicit0777 in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithDifferentUmaskSettingButExplicitModeRequestedByCall in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createDirectoryUsingStreamWithExplicit0 in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createFileUsingStreamWithDefaultUmaskSetting in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::createFileUsingStreamWithDifferentUmaskSetting in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::defaultUmaskSettingDoesNotInfluenceSetup in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamUmaskTestCase::umaskSettingShouldBeRespectedBySetup in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamUmaskTestCase.php - @test
- vfsStreamWrapperDirSeparatorTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirSeparatorTestCase.php - set up test environment
- vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperFlockTestCase.php - set up test environment
- vfsStreamWrapperLargeFileTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperLargeFileTestCase.php - set up test environment
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::canCreateFolderOfSameNameAsParentFolder in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_32
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::canRetrieveFolderOfSameNameAsParentFolder in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_32
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkDirShouldNotOverwriteExistingDirectories in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_28
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkDirShouldNotOverwriteExistingDirectoriesAndTriggerE_USER_WARNING in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_28 @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error @expectedExceptionMessage mkdir(): Path vfs://root/dir exists
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkDirShouldNotOverwriteExistingFiles in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_28
- vfsStreamWrapperMkDirTestCase::mkDirShouldNotOverwriteExistingFilesAndTriggerE_USER_WARNING in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperDirTestCase.php - @test @group issue_28 @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error @expectedExceptionMessage mkdir(): Path vfs://root/test.txt exists
- vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperQuotaTestCase.php - set up test environment
- vfsStreamWrapperSelectStreamTestCase::selectStream in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperStreamSelectTestCase.php - @test @expectedException \PHPUnit_Framework_Error
- vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase::setUp in vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamWrapperSetOptionTestCase.php - set up test environment
- YamlDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitionsWithTranslatableDefinitions in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Plugin/ Discovery/ YamlDiscoveryTest.php - @covers ::getDefinitions