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  1. 8 vendor/masterminds/html5/test/HTML5/Serializer/OutputRulesTest.php


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namespace Masterminds\HTML5\Tests\Serializer;

use Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer\OutputRules;
use Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer\Traverser;
class OutputRulesTest extends \Masterminds\HTML5\Tests\TestCase {
  protected $markup = '<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <p>This is a test.</p>
  public function setUp() {
    $this->html5 = $this

   * Using reflection we make a protected method accessible for testing.
   * @param string $name
   *            The name of the method on the Traverser class to test.
   * @return \ReflectionMethod \ReflectionMethod for the specified method
  public function getProtectedMethod($name) {
    $class = new \ReflectionClass('\\Masterminds\\HTML5\\Serializer\\OutputRules');
    $method = $class
    return $method;
  public function getTraverserProtectedProperty($name) {
    $class = new \ReflectionClass('\\Masterminds\\HTML5\\Serializer\\Traverser');
    $property = $class
    return $property;
  public function getOutputRules($options = array()) {
    $options = $options + $this->html5
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $dom = $this->html5
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $options);
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $options);
    return array(
  public function testDocument() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html><html lang="en"><body>foo</body></html>');
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $expected = '<!DOCTYPE html>' . PHP_EOL . '<html lang="en"><body>foo</body></html>' . PHP_EOL;
      ->assertEquals($expected, stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testEmptyDocument() {
    $dom = $this->html5
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $expected = '<!DOCTYPE html>' . PHP_EOL;
      ->assertEquals($expected, stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testDoctype() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html><html lang="en"><body>foo</body></html>');
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $m = $this
      ->invoke($r, 'foo');
      ->assertEquals("<!DOCTYPE html>" . PHP_EOL, stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testElement() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div id="foo" class="bar baz">foo bar baz</div>
        <svg width="150" height="100" viewBox="0 0 3 2">
          <rect width="1" height="2" x="0" fill="#008d46" />
          <rect width="1" height="2" x="1" fill="#ffffff" />
          <rect width="1" height="2" x="2" fill="#d2232c" />
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
      ->assertEquals('<div id="foo" class="bar baz">foo bar baz</div>', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  function testSerializeWithNamespaces() {
    $this->html5 = $this
      'xmlNamespaces' => true,
    $source = '
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html><body id="body" xmlns:x="">
                    <a id="bar1" xmlns="">
                        <b id="bar4" xmlns=""><x:prefixed id="prefixed">xy</x:prefixed></b>
                    <svg id="svg">svg</svg>
                    <c id="bar2" xmlns=""></c>
                    <div id="div"></div>
                    <d id="bar3"></d>
                    <xn:d id="bar5" xmlns:xn="" xmlns=""><x id="bar5_x">y</x></xn:d>
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML($source, array(
      'xmlNamespaces' => true,
      ->hasErrors(), print_r($this->html5
      ->getErrors(), 1));
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $rendered = stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0);
    $clear = function ($s) {
      return trim(preg_replace('/[\\s]+/', " ", $s));
      ->assertEquals($clear($source), $clear($rendered));
  public function testElementWithScript() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
          var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();
          // Use jQuery via $jQ(...)
          $jQ(document).ready(function () {
            $jQ("#mktFrmSubmit").wrap("<div class=\'buttonSubmit\'></div>");
        <div id="foo" class="bar baz">foo bar baz</div>
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $script = $dom
          var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();
          // Use jQuery via $jQ(...)
          $jQ(document).ready(function () {
            $jQ("#mktFrmSubmit").wrap("<div class=\'buttonSubmit\'></div>");
        </script>', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testElementWithStyle() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
          body > .bar {
            display: none;
        <div id="foo" class="bar baz">foo bar baz</div>
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $style = $dom
          body > .bar {
            display: none;
        </style>', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testOpenTag() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div id="foo" class="bar baz">foo bar baz</div>
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
    $m = $this
      ->invoke($r, $list
      ->assertEquals('<div id="foo" class="bar baz">', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testCData() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
      ->assertEquals('<![CDATA[bar]]>', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div id="foo"></div>
      ->appendChild(new \DOMCdataSection("]]>Foo<[![CDATA test ]]>"));
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
      ->assertEquals('<![CDATA[]]]]><![CDATA[>Foo<[![CDATA test ]]]]><![CDATA[>]]>', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testComment() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div><!-- foo --></div>
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
      ->assertEquals('<!-- foo -->', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div id="foo"></div>
      ->appendChild(new \DOMComment('<!-- --> --> Foo -->'));
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom

    // Could not find more definitive guidelines on what this should be. Went with
    // what the HTML5 spec says and what \DOMDocument::saveXML() produces.
      ->assertEquals('<!--<!-- --> --> Foo -->-->', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testText() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
      ->assertEquals('baz();', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
      <head id="foo"></head>
    $foo = $dom
      ->appendChild(new \DOMText('<script>alert("hi");</script>'));
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
      ->assertEquals('&lt;script&gt;alert("hi");&lt;/script&gt;', stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0));
  public function testNl() {
    list($o, $s) = $this
    $m = $this
      ->assertEquals(PHP_EOL, stream_get_contents($s, -1, 0));
  public function testWr() {
    list($o, $s) = $this
    $m = $this
      ->invoke($o, 'foo');
      ->assertEquals('foo', stream_get_contents($s, -1, 0));
  public function getEncData() {
    return array(
        'This + is. a < test',
        'This + is. a &lt; test',
        'This &plus; is&period; a &lt; test',
        " \"'",

   * Test basic encoding of text.
   * @dataProvider getEncData
  public function testEnc($isAttribute, $test, $expected, $expectedEncoded) {
    list($o, $s) = $this
    $m = $this
      ->assertEquals($expected, $m
      ->invoke($o, $test, $isAttribute));
    list($o, $s) = $this
      'encode_entities' => true,
    $m = $this
      ->assertEquals($expectedEncoded, $m
      ->invoke($o, $test, $isAttribute));

   * Test basic encoding of text.
   * @dataProvider getEncData
  public function testEscape($isAttribute, $test, $expected, $expectedEncoded) {
    list($o, $s) = $this
    $m = $this
      ->assertEquals($expected, $m
      ->invoke($o, $test, $isAttribute));
  public function booleanAttributes() {
    return array(
        '<img alt="" ismap>',
        '<img alt="">',
        '<input type="radio" readonly>',
        '<input type="radio" checked disabled>',
        '<input type="checkbox" checked disabled>',
        '<input type="radio" value="" checked disabled>',
        '<div data-value=""></div>',
        '<select disabled></select>',
        '<div ng-app></div>',
        '<script defer></script>',

   * @dataProvider booleanAttributes
  public function testBooleanAttrs($html) {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html><html lang="en"><body>' . $html . '</body></html>');
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $node = $dom
    $m = $this
      ->invoke($r, $node);
    $content = stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0);
    $html = preg_replace('~<[a-z]+(.*)></[a-z]+>~', '\\1', $html);
    $html = preg_replace('~<[a-z]+(.*)/?>~', '\\1', $html);
      ->assertEquals($content, $html);
  public function testAttrs() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div id="foo" class="bar baz">foo bar baz</div>
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
    $m = $this
      ->invoke($r, $list
    $content = stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0);
      ->assertEquals(' id="foo" class="bar baz"', $content);
  public function testSvg() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div id="foo" class="bar baz">foo bar baz</div>
        <svg width="150" height="100" viewBox="0 0 3 2">
          <rect width="1" height="2" x="0" fill="#008d46" />
          <rect width="1" height="2" x="1" fill="#ffffff" />
          <rect width="1" height="2" x="2" fill="#d2232c" />
          <rect id="Bar" x="300" y="100" width="300" height="100" fill="rgb(255,255,0)">
            <animate attributeName="x" attributeType="XML" begin="0s" dur="9s" fill="freeze" from="300" to="0" />
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
    $contents = stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0);
      ->assertRegExp('|<svg width="150" height="100" viewBox="0 0 3 2">|', $contents);
      ->assertRegExp('|<rect width="1" height="2" x="0" fill="#008d46" />|', $contents);
      ->assertRegExp('|<rect id="Bar" x="300" y="100" width="300" height="100" fill="rgb\\(255,255,0\\)">|', $contents);
  public function testMath() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTML('<!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <div id="foo" class="bar baz">foo bar baz</div>
          <csymbol definitionURL="">
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $list = $dom
    $content = stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0);
      ->assertRegExp('|<math>|', $content);
      ->assertRegExp('|<csymbol definitionURL="">|', $content);
  public function testProcessorInstruction() {
    $dom = $this->html5
      ->loadHTMLFragment('<?foo bar ?>');
    $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
    $r = new OutputRules($stream, $this->html5
    $t = new Traverser($dom, $stream, $r, $this->html5
    $content = stream_get_contents($stream, -1, 0);
      ->assertRegExp('|<\\?foo bar \\?>|', $content);



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