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OutputRules.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Serializer/OutputRules.php

The rules for generating output in the serializer.

These output rules are likely to generate output similar to the document that was parsed. It is not intended to output exactly the document that was parsed.


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 * @file
 * The rules for generating output in the serializer.
 * These output rules are likely to generate output similar to the document that
 * was parsed. It is not intended to output exactly the document that was parsed.
namespace Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer;

use Masterminds\HTML5\Elements;

 * Generate the output html5 based on element rules.
class OutputRules implements \Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer\RulesInterface {

   * Defined in
  const NAMESPACE_HTML = '';
  const NAMESPACE_MATHML = '';
  const NAMESPACE_SVG = '';
  const NAMESPACE_XLINK = '';
  const NAMESPACE_XML = '';
  const NAMESPACE_XMLNS = '';

   * Holds the HTML5 element names that causes a namespace switch
   * @var array
  protected $implicitNamespaces = array(
  const IM_IN_HTML = 1;
  const IM_IN_SVG = 2;
  const IM_IN_MATHML = 3;

   * Used as cache to detect if is available ENT_HTML5
   * @var boolean
  private $hasHTML5 = false;
  protected $traverser;
  protected $encode = false;
  protected $out;
  protected $outputMode;
  private $xpath;
  protected $nonBooleanAttributes = array(

        'nodeName'=>'img', 'nodeName'=>array('img', 'a'),
        'attrName'=>'alt', 'attrName'=>array('title', 'alt'),
      'nodeNamespace' => '',
      'attrName' => array(
      'nodeNamespace' => '',
      'xpath' => 'starts-with(local-name(), \'data-\')',
  const DOCTYPE = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
  public function __construct($output, $options = array()) {
    if (isset($options['encode_entities'])) {
      $this->encode = $options['encode_entities'];
    $this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_HTML;
    $this->out = $output;

    // If HHVM, see
    $this->hasHTML5 = defined('ENT_HTML5') && !defined('HHVM_VERSION');
  public function addRule(array $rule) {
    $this->nonBooleanAttributes[] = $rule;
  public function setTraverser(\Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer\Traverser $traverser) {
    $this->traverser = $traverser;
    return $this;
  public function document($dom) {
    if ($dom->documentElement) {
  protected function doctype() {
  public function element($ele) {
    $name = $ele->tagName;

    // Per spec:
    // If the element has a declared namespace in the HTML, MathML or
    // SVG namespaces, we use the lname instead of the tagName.
    if ($this->traverser
      ->isLocalElement($ele)) {
      $name = $ele->localName;

    // If we are in SVG or MathML there is special handling.
    // Using if/elseif instead of switch because it's faster in PHP.
    if ($name == 'svg') {
      $this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_SVG;
      $name = Elements::normalizeSvgElement($name);
    elseif ($name == 'math') {
      $this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_MATHML;
    if (Elements::isA($name, Elements::TEXT_RAW)) {
      foreach ($ele->childNodes as $child) {
    else {

      // Handle children.
      if ($ele
        ->hasChildNodes()) {

      // Close out the SVG or MathML special handling.
      if ($name == 'svg' || $name == 'math') {
        $this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_HTML;

    // If not unary, add a closing tag.
    if (!Elements::isA($name, Elements::VOID_TAG)) {

   * Write a text node.
   * @param \DOMText $ele
   *            The text node to write.
  public function text($ele) {
    if (isset($ele->parentNode) && isset($ele->parentNode->tagName) && Elements::isA($ele->parentNode->localName, Elements::TEXT_RAW)) {

    // FIXME: This probably needs some flags set.
  public function cdata($ele) {

    // This encodes CDATA.
  public function comment($ele) {

    // These produce identical output.
    // $this->wr('<!--')->wr($ele->data)->wr('-->');
  public function processorInstruction($ele) {
      ->wr(' ')

   * Write the namespace attributes
   * @param \DOMNode $ele
   *            The element being written.
  protected function namespaceAttrs($ele) {
    if (!$this->xpath || $this->xpath->document !== $ele->ownerDocument) {
      $this->xpath = new \DOMXPath($ele->ownerDocument);
    foreach ($this->xpath
      ->query('namespace::*[not(.=../../namespace::*)]', $ele) as $nsNode) {
      if (!in_array($nsNode->nodeValue, $this->implicitNamespaces)) {
          ->wr(' ')

   * Write the opening tag.
   * Tags for HTML, MathML, and SVG are in the local name. Otherwise, use the
   * qualified name (8.3).
   * @param \DOMNode $ele
   *            The element being written.
  protected function openTag($ele) {
      ->isLocalElement($ele) ? $ele->localName : $ele->tagName);
    if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_HTML) {
    else {
      if ($ele
        ->hasChildNodes()) {
      else {
          ->wr(' />');
  protected function attrs($ele) {

    // FIXME: Needs support for xml, xmlns, xlink, and namespaced elements.
    if (!$ele
      ->hasAttributes()) {
      return $this;

    // TODO: Currently, this always writes name="value", and does not do
    // value-less attributes.
    $map = $ele->attributes;
    $len = $map->length;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
      $node = $map
      $val = $this
        ->enc($node->value, true);

      // XXX: The spec says that we need to ensure that anything in
      // the XML, XMLNS, or XLink NS's should use the canonical
      // prefix. It seems that DOM does this for us already, but there
      // may be exceptions.
      $name = $node->name;

      // Special handling for attributes in SVG and MathML.
      // Using if/elseif instead of switch because it's faster in PHP.
      if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_SVG) {
        $name = Elements::normalizeSvgAttribute($name);
      elseif ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_MATHML) {
        $name = Elements::normalizeMathMlAttribute($name);
        ->wr(' ')
      if (isset($val) && $val !== '' || $this
        ->nonBooleanAttribute($node)) {
  protected function nonBooleanAttribute(\DOMAttr $attr) {
    $ele = $attr->ownerElement;
    foreach ($this->nonBooleanAttributes as $rule) {
      if (isset($rule['nodeNamespace']) && $rule['nodeNamespace'] !== $ele->namespaceURI) {
      if (isset($rule['attNamespace']) && $rule['attNamespace'] !== $attr->namespaceURI) {
      if (isset($rule['nodeName']) && !is_array($rule['nodeName']) && $rule['nodeName'] !== $ele->localName) {
      if (isset($rule['nodeName']) && is_array($rule['nodeName']) && !in_array($ele->localName, $rule['nodeName'], true)) {
      if (isset($rule['attrName']) && !is_array($rule['attrName']) && $rule['attrName'] !== $attr->localName) {
      if (isset($rule['attrName']) && is_array($rule['attrName']) && !in_array($attr->localName, $rule['attrName'], true)) {
      if (isset($rule['xpath'])) {
        $xp = $this
        if (isset($rule['prefixes'])) {
          foreach ($rule['prefixes'] as $nsPrefix => $ns) {
              ->registerNamespace($nsPrefix, $ns);
        if (!$xp
          ->evaluate($rule['xpath'], $attr)) {
      return true;
    return false;
  private function getXPath(\DOMNode $node) {
    if (!$this->xpath) {
      $this->xpath = new \DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);
    return $this->xpath;

   * Write the closing tag.
   * Tags for HTML, MathML, and SVG are in the local name. Otherwise, use the
   * qualified name (8.3).
   * @param \DOMNode $ele
   *            The element being written.
  protected function closeTag($ele) {
    if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_HTML || $ele
      ->hasChildNodes()) {
        ->isLocalElement($ele) ? $ele->localName : $ele->tagName)

   * Write to the output.
   * @param string $text
   *            The string to put into the output.
   * @return \Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer\Traverser $this so it can be used in chaining.
  protected function wr($text) {
    fwrite($this->out, $text);
    return $this;

   * Write a new line character.
   * @return \Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer\Traverser $this so it can be used in chaining.
  protected function nl() {
    fwrite($this->out, PHP_EOL);
    return $this;

   * Encode text.
   * When encode is set to false, the default value, the text passed in is
   * escaped per section 8.3 of the html5 spec. For details on how text is
   * escaped see the escape() method.
   * When encoding is set to true the text is converted to named character
   * references where appropriate. Section 8.1.4 Character references of the
   * html5 spec refers to using named character references. This is useful for
   * characters that can't otherwise legally be used in the text.
   * The named character references are listed in section 8.5.
   * @see True encoding will turn all named character references into their entities.
   *      This includes such characters as +.# and many other common ones. By default
   *      encoding here will just escape &'<>".
   *      Note, PHP 5.4+ has better html5 encoding.
   * @todo Use the Entities class in php 5.3 to have html5 entities.
   * @param string $text
   *            text to encode.
   * @param boolean $attribute
   *            True if we are encoding an attrubute, false otherwise
   * @return string The encoded text.
  protected function enc($text, $attribute = false) {

    // Escape the text rather than convert to named character references.
    if (!$this->encode) {
      return $this
        ->escape($text, $attribute);

    // If we are in PHP 5.4+ we can use the native html5 entity functionality to
    // convert the named character references.
    if ($this->hasHTML5) {
      return htmlentities($text, ENT_HTML5 | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
    else {
      return strtr($text, \Masterminds\HTML5\Serializer\HTML5Entities::$map);

   * Escape test.
   * According to the html5 spec section 8.3 Serializing HTML fragments, text
   * within tags that are not style, script, xmp, iframe, noembed, and noframes
   * need to be properly escaped.
   * The & should be converted to &amp;, no breaking space unicode characters
   * converted to &nbsp;, when in attribute mode the " should be converted to
   * &quot;, and when not in attribute mode the < and > should be converted to
   * &lt; and &gt;.
   * @see
   * @param string $text
   *            text to escape.
   * @param boolean $attribute
   *            True if we are escaping an attrubute, false otherwise
  protected function escape($text, $attribute = false) {

    // Not using htmlspecialchars because, while it does escaping, it doesn't
    // match the requirements of section 8.5. For example, it doesn't handle
    // non-breaking spaces.
    if ($attribute) {
      $replace = array(
        '"' => '&quot;',
        '&' => '&amp;',
        " " => '&nbsp;',
    else {
      $replace = array(
        '<' => '&lt;',
        '>' => '&gt;',
        '&' => '&amp;',
        " " => '&nbsp;',
    return strtr($text, $replace);



Namesort descending Description
OutputRules Generate the output html5 based on element rules.