public static property Elements::$svgCaseSensitiveAttributeMap in Zircon Profile 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.0 vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Elements.php \Masterminds\HTML5\Elements::svgCaseSensitiveAttributeMap
Some attributes in SVG are case sensetitive.
This map contains key/value pairs with the key as the lowercase attribute name and the value with the correct casing.
- vendor/
masterminds/ html5/ src/ HTML5/ Elements.php, line 360
- Elements
- This class provides general information about HTML5 elements, including syntactic and semantic issues. Parsers and serializers can use this class as a reference point for information about the rules of various HTML5 elements.
public static $svgCaseSensitiveAttributeMap = array(
'attributename' => 'attributeName',
'attributetype' => 'attributeType',
'basefrequency' => 'baseFrequency',
'baseprofile' => 'baseProfile',
'calcmode' => 'calcMode',
'clippathunits' => 'clipPathUnits',
'contentscripttype' => 'contentScriptType',
'contentstyletype' => 'contentStyleType',
'diffuseconstant' => 'diffuseConstant',
'edgemode' => 'edgeMode',
'externalresourcesrequired' => 'externalResourcesRequired',
'filterres' => 'filterRes',
'filterunits' => 'filterUnits',
'glyphref' => 'glyphRef',
'gradienttransform' => 'gradientTransform',
'gradientunits' => 'gradientUnits',
'kernelmatrix' => 'kernelMatrix',
'kernelunitlength' => 'kernelUnitLength',
'keypoints' => 'keyPoints',
'keysplines' => 'keySplines',
'keytimes' => 'keyTimes',
'lengthadjust' => 'lengthAdjust',
'limitingconeangle' => 'limitingConeAngle',
'markerheight' => 'markerHeight',
'markerunits' => 'markerUnits',
'markerwidth' => 'markerWidth',
'maskcontentunits' => 'maskContentUnits',
'maskunits' => 'maskUnits',
'numoctaves' => 'numOctaves',
'pathlength' => 'pathLength',
'patterncontentunits' => 'patternContentUnits',
'patterntransform' => 'patternTransform',
'patternunits' => 'patternUnits',
'pointsatx' => 'pointsAtX',
'pointsaty' => 'pointsAtY',
'pointsatz' => 'pointsAtZ',
'preservealpha' => 'preserveAlpha',
'preserveaspectratio' => 'preserveAspectRatio',
'primitiveunits' => 'primitiveUnits',
'refx' => 'refX',
'refy' => 'refY',
'repeatcount' => 'repeatCount',
'repeatdur' => 'repeatDur',
'requiredextensions' => 'requiredExtensions',
'requiredfeatures' => 'requiredFeatures',
'specularconstant' => 'specularConstant',
'specularexponent' => 'specularExponent',
'spreadmethod' => 'spreadMethod',
'startoffset' => 'startOffset',
'stddeviation' => 'stdDeviation',
'stitchtiles' => 'stitchTiles',
'surfacescale' => 'surfaceScale',
'systemlanguage' => 'systemLanguage',
'tablevalues' => 'tableValues',
'targetx' => 'targetX',
'targety' => 'targetY',
'textlength' => 'textLength',
'viewbox' => 'viewBox',
'viewtarget' => 'viewTarget',
'xchannelselector' => 'xChannelSelector',
'ychannelselector' => 'yChannelSelector',
'zoomandpan' => 'zoomAndPan',