public static property Elements::$svg in Zircon Profile 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.0 vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Elements.php \Masterminds\HTML5\Elements::svg
The svg elements.
The Mozilla documentation has a good list at The w3c list appears to be lacking in some areas like filter effect elements. That list can be found at
Note, FireFox appears to do a better job rendering filter effects than chrome. While they are in the spec I'm not sure how widely implemented they are.
Type: array
- vendor/
masterminds/ html5/ src/ HTML5/ Elements.php, line 271
- Elements
- This class provides general information about HTML5 elements, including syntactic and semantic issues. Parsers and serializers can use this class as a reference point for information about the rules of various HTML5 elements.
public static $svg = array(
"a" => 1,
"altGlyph" => 1,
"altGlyphDef" => 1,
"altGlyphItem" => 1,
"animate" => 1,
"animateColor" => 1,
"animateMotion" => 1,
"animateTransform" => 1,
"circle" => 1,
"clipPath" => 1,
"color-profile" => 1,
"cursor" => 1,
"defs" => 1,
"desc" => 1,
"ellipse" => 1,
"feBlend" => 1,
"feColorMatrix" => 1,
"feComponentTransfer" => 1,
"feComposite" => 1,
"feConvolveMatrix" => 1,
"feDiffuseLighting" => 1,
"feDisplacementMap" => 1,
"feDistantLight" => 1,
"feFlood" => 1,
"feFuncA" => 1,
"feFuncB" => 1,
"feFuncG" => 1,
"feFuncR" => 1,
"feGaussianBlur" => 1,
"feImage" => 1,
"feMerge" => 1,
"feMergeNode" => 1,
"feMorphology" => 1,
"feOffset" => 1,
"fePointLight" => 1,
"feSpecularLighting" => 1,
"feSpotLight" => 1,
"feTile" => 1,
"feTurbulence" => 1,
"filter" => 1,
"font" => 1,
"font-face" => 1,
"font-face-format" => 1,
"font-face-name" => 1,
"font-face-src" => 1,
"font-face-uri" => 1,
"foreignObject" => 1,
"g" => 1,
"glyph" => 1,
"glyphRef" => 1,
"hkern" => 1,
"image" => 1,
"line" => 1,
"linearGradient" => 1,
"marker" => 1,
"mask" => 1,
"metadata" => 1,
"missing-glyph" => 1,
"mpath" => 1,
"path" => 1,
"pattern" => 1,
"polygon" => 1,
"polyline" => 1,
"radialGradient" => 1,
"rect" => 1,
"script" => 3,
"set" => 1,
"stop" => 1,
"style" => 3,
"svg" => 1,
"switch" => 1,
"symbol" => 1,
"text" => 1,
"textPath" => 1,
"title" => 1,
"tref" => 1,
"tspan" => 1,
"use" => 1,
"view" => 1,
"vkern" => 1,