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TimeoutError.php in Zircon Profile 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.0 vendor/jcalderonzumba/gastonjs/src/Exception/TimeoutError.php


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namespace Zumba\GastonJS\Exception;

 * Class TimeoutError
 * @package Zumba\GastonJS\Exception
class TimeoutError extends \Exception {

   * @param string $message
  public function __construct($message) {
    $errorMessage = "Timed out waiting for response to {$message}. It's possible that this happened\n            because something took a very long time(for example a page load was slow).\n            If so, setting the Poltergeist :timeout option to a higher value will help\n            (see the docs for details). If increasing the timeout does not help, this is\n            probably a bug in Poltergeist - please report it to the issue tracker.";



Namesort descending Description
TimeoutError Class TimeoutError @package Zumba\GastonJS\Exception