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public function FunctionsTest::parseQueryProvider in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/tests/FunctionsTest.php \GuzzleHttp\Tests\Psr7\FunctionsTest::parseQueryProvider()


vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/tests/FunctionsTest.php, line 148






public function parseQueryProvider() {
  return [
    // Does not need to parse when the string is empty
    // Can parse mult-values items
        'q' => [
    // Can parse multi-valued items that use numeric indices
        'q[0]' => 'a',
        'q[1]' => 'b',
    // Can parse duplicates and does not include numeric indices
        'q[]' => [
    // Ensures that the value of "q" is an array even though one value
        'q[]' => 'a',
    // Does not modify "." to "_" like PHP's parse_str()
        'q.a' => 'a',
        'q.b' => 'b',
    // Can decode %20 to " "
        'q a' => 'a b',
    // Can parse funky strings with no values by assigning each to null
        'q' => null,
        'a' => null,
    // Does not strip trailing equal signs
        'data' => 'abc=',
    // Can store duplicates without affecting other values
        'foo' => [
        '?µ' => 'c',
    // Sets value to null when no "=" is present
        'foo' => null,
    // Preserves "0" keys.
        '0' => null,
    // Sets the value to an empty string when "=" is present
        '0' => '',
    // Preserves falsey keys
        'var' => '0',
        'a[b][c]' => [
        'a[b]' => 'c',
        'a[d]' => 'e',
    // Ensure it doesn't leave things behind with repeated values
    // Can parse mult-values items
        'q' => [