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constant RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RequestOptions.php \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS

allow_redirects: (bool|array) Controls redirect behavior. Pass false to disable redirects, pass true to enable redirects, pass an associative to provide custom redirect settings. Defaults to "false". This option only works if your handler has the RedirectMiddleware. When passing an associative array, you can provide the following key value pairs:

  • max: (int, default=5) maximum number of allowed redirects.
  • strict: (bool, default=false) Set to true to use strict redirects meaning redirect POST requests with POST requests vs. doing what most browsers do which is redirect POST requests with GET requests
  • referer: (bool, default=true) Set to false to disable the Referer header.
  • protocols: (array, default=['http', 'https']) Allowed redirect protocols.
  • on_redirect: (callable) PHP callable that is invoked when a redirect is encountered. The callable is invoked with the request, the redirect response that was received, and the effective URI. Any return value from the on_redirect function is ignored.


vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RequestOptions.php, line 34


This class contains a list of built-in Guzzle request options.




const ALLOW_REDIRECTS = 'allow_redirects';