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RequestOptions.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RequestOptions.php




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namespace GuzzleHttp;

 * This class contains a list of built-in Guzzle request options.
 * More documentation for each option can be found at
 * @link
final class RequestOptions {

   * allow_redirects: (bool|array) Controls redirect behavior. Pass false
   * to disable redirects, pass true to enable redirects, pass an
   * associative to provide custom redirect settings. Defaults to "false".
   * This option only works if your handler has the RedirectMiddleware. When
   * passing an associative array, you can provide the following key value
   * pairs:
   * - max: (int, default=5) maximum number of allowed redirects.
   * - strict: (bool, default=false) Set to true to use strict redirects
   *   meaning redirect POST requests with POST requests vs. doing what most
   *   browsers do which is redirect POST requests with GET requests
   * - referer: (bool, default=true) Set to false to disable the Referer
   *   header.
   * - protocols: (array, default=['http', 'https']) Allowed redirect
   *   protocols.
   * - on_redirect: (callable) PHP callable that is invoked when a redirect
   *   is encountered. The callable is invoked with the request, the redirect
   *   response that was received, and the effective URI. Any return value
   *   from the on_redirect function is ignored.
  const ALLOW_REDIRECTS = 'allow_redirects';

   * auth: (array) Pass an array of HTTP authentication parameters to use
   * with the request. The array must contain the username in index [0],
   * the password in index [1], and you can optionally provide a built-in
   * authentication type in index [2]. Pass null to disable authentication
   * for a request.
  const AUTH = 'auth';

   * body: (string|null|callable|iterator|object) Body to send in the
   * request.
  const BODY = 'body';

   * cert: (string|array) Set to a string to specify the path to a file
   * containing a PEM formatted SSL client side certificate. If a password
   * is required, then set cert to an array containing the path to the PEM
   * file in the first array element followed by the certificate password
   * in the second array element.
  const CERT = 'cert';

   * cookies: (bool|GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJarInterface, default=false)
   * Specifies whether or not cookies are used in a request or what cookie
   * jar to use or what cookies to send. This option only works if your
   * handler has the `cookie` middleware. Valid values are `false` and
   * an instance of {@see GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJarInterface}.
  const COOKIES = 'cookies';

   * connect_timeout: (float, default=0) Float describing the number of
   * seconds to wait while trying to connect to a server. Use 0 to wait
   * indefinitely (the default behavior).
  const CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 'connect_timeout';

   * debug: (bool|resource) Set to true or set to a PHP stream returned by
   * fopen()  enable debug output with the HTTP handler used to send a
   * request.
  const DEBUG = 'debug';

   * decode_content: (bool, default=true) Specify whether or not
   * Content-Encoding responses (gzip, deflate, etc.) are automatically
   * decoded.
  const DECODE_CONTENT = 'decode_content';

   * delay: (int) The amount of time to delay before sending in milliseconds.
  const DELAY = 'delay';

   * expect: (bool|integer) Controls the behavior of the
   * "Expect: 100-Continue" header.
   * Set to `true` to enable the "Expect: 100-Continue" header for all
   * requests that sends a body. Set to `false` to disable the
   * "Expect: 100-Continue" header for all requests. Set to a number so that
   * the size of the payload must be greater than the number in order to send
   * the Expect header. Setting to a number will send the Expect header for
   * all requests in which the size of the payload cannot be determined or
   * where the body is not rewindable.
   * By default, Guzzle will add the "Expect: 100-Continue" header when the
   * size of the body of a request is greater than 1 MB and a request is
   * using HTTP/1.1.
  const EXPECT = 'expect';

   * form_params: (array) Associative array of form field names to values
   * where each value is a string or array of strings. Sets the Content-Type
   * header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded when no Content-Type header
   * is already present.
  const FORM_PARAMS = 'form_params';

   * headers: (array) Associative array of HTTP headers. Each value MUST be
   * a string or array of strings.
  const HEADERS = 'headers';

   * http_errors: (bool, default=true) Set to false to disable exceptions
   * when a non- successful HTTP response is received. By default,
   * exceptions will be thrown for 4xx and 5xx responses. This option only
   * works if your handler has the `httpErrors` middleware.
  const HTTP_ERRORS = 'http_errors';

   * json: (mixed) Adds JSON data to a request. The provided value is JSON
   * encoded and a Content-Type header of application/json will be added to
   * the request if no Content-Type header is already present.
  const JSON = 'json';

   * multipart: (array) Array of associative arrays, each containing a
   * required "name" key mapping to the form field, name, a required
   * "contents" key mapping to a StreamInterface|resource|string, an
   * optional "headers" associative array of custom headers, and an
   * optional "filename" key mapping to a string to send as the filename in
   * the part. If no "filename" key is present, then no "filename" attribute
   * will be added to the part.
  const MULTIPART = 'multipart';

   * on_headers: (callable) A callable that is invoked when the HTTP headers
   * of the response have been received but the body has not yet begun to
   * download.
  const ON_HEADERS = 'on_headers';

   * on_stats: (callable) allows you to get access to transfer statistics of
   * a request and access the lower level transfer details of the handler
   * associated with your client. ``on_stats`` is a callable that is invoked
   * when a handler has finished sending a request. The callback is invoked
   * with transfer statistics about the request, the response received, or
   * the error encountered. Included in the data is the total amount of time
   * taken to send the request.
  const ON_STATS = 'on_stats';

   * progress: (callable) Defines a function to invoke when transfer
   * progress is made. The function accepts the following positional
   * arguments: the total number of bytes expected to be downloaded, the
   * number of bytes downloaded so far, the number of bytes expected to be
   * uploaded, the number of bytes uploaded so far.
  const PROGRESS = 'progress';

   * proxy: (string|array) Pass a string to specify an HTTP proxy, or an
   * array to specify different proxies for different protocols (where the
   * key is the protocol and the value is a proxy string).
  const PROXY = 'proxy';

   * query: (array|string) Associative array of query string values to add
   * to the request. This option uses PHP's http_build_query() to create
   * the string representation. Pass a string value if you need more
   * control than what this method provides
  const QUERY = 'query';

   * sink: (resource|string|StreamInterface) Where the data of the
   * response is written to. Defaults to a PHP temp stream. Providing a
   * string will write data to a file by the given name.
  const SINK = 'sink';

   * synchronous: (bool) Set to true to inform HTTP handlers that you intend
   * on waiting on the response. This can be useful for optimizations. Note
   * that a promise is still returned if you are using one of the async
   * client methods.
  const SYNCHRONOUS = 'synchronous';

   * ssl_key: (array|string) Specify the path to a file containing a private
   * SSL key in PEM format. If a password is required, then set to an array
   * containing the path to the SSL key in the first array element followed
   * by the password required for the certificate in the second element.
  const SSL_KEY = 'ssl_key';

   * stream: Set to true to attempt to stream a response rather than
   * download it all up-front.
  const STREAM = 'stream';

   * verify: (bool|string, default=true) Describes the SSL certificate
   * verification behavior of a request. Set to true to enable SSL
   * certificate verification using the system CA bundle when available
   * (the default). Set to false to disable certificate verification (this
   * is insecure!). Set to a string to provide the path to a CA bundle on
   * disk to enable verification using a custom certificate.
  const VERIFY = 'verify';

   * timeout: (float, default=0) Float describing the timeout of the
   * request in seconds. Use 0 to wait indefinitely (the default behavior).
  const TIMEOUT = 'timeout';

   * version: (float) Specifies the HTTP protocol version to attempt to use.
  const VERSION = 'version';



Namesort descending Description
RequestOptions This class contains a list of built-in Guzzle request options.