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protected function EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle::parsePredicate in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Parser/Turtle.php \EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle::parsePredicate()

Parse a predicate [11] @ignore

1 call to EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle::parsePredicate()
EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle::parsePredicateObjectList in vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Parser/Turtle.php
Parse a predicateObjectList [7] @ignore


vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Parser/Turtle.php, line 344


Class to parse Turtle with no external dependancies.


protected function parsePredicate() {

  // Check if the short-cut 'a' is used
  $c1 = $this
  if ($c1 == 'a') {
    $c2 = $this
    if (self::isWhitespace($c2)) {

      // Short-cut is used, return the rdf:type URI
      return array(
        'type' => 'uri',
        'value' => EasyRdf_Namespace::get('rdf') . 'type',

    // Short-cut is not used, unread all characters

  // Predicate is a normal resource
  $predicate = $this
  if ($predicate['type'] == 'uri') {
    return $predicate;
  else {
    throw new EasyRdf_Parser_Exception("Turtle Parse Error: Illegal predicate type: " . $predicate['type'], $this->line, $this->column);