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protected function EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle::parseNodeID in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Parser/Turtle.php \EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle::parseNodeID()

Parses a blank node ID, e.g: _:node1 @ignore

1 call to EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle::parseNodeID()
EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle::parseValue in vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Parser/Turtle.php
Parses an RDF value. This method parses uriref, qname, node ID, quoted literal, integer, double and boolean. @ignore


vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Parser/Turtle.php, line 1031


Class to parse Turtle with no external dependancies.


protected function parseNodeID() {

  // Node ID should start with "_:"
    ->read(), "_");
    ->read(), ":");

  // Read the node ID
  $c = $this
  if ($c == -1) {
    throw new EasyRdf_Parser_Exception("Turtle Parse Error: unexpected end of file while reading node id", $this->line, $this->column);
  elseif (!self::isNameStartChar($c)) {
    throw new EasyRdf_Parser_Exception("Turtle Parse Error: expected a letter, found '{$c}'", $this->line, $this->column);

  // Read all following letter and numbers, they are part of the name
  $name = $c;
  $c = $this
  while (self::isNameChar($c)) {
    $name .= $c;
    $c = $this
  return array(
    'type' => 'bnode',
    'value' => $this