28 calls to EasyRdf_Graph::checkResourceParam() in Zircon Profile 8
- EasyRdf_Graph::add in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Add data to the graph
- EasyRdf_Graph::addLiteral in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Add a literal value as a property of a resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::addResource in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Add a resource as a property of another resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::addType in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Add one or more rdf:type properties to a resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::all in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get all values for a property path
- EasyRdf_Graph::allForSingleProperty in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get all values for a single property of a resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::delete in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Delete a property (or optionally just a specific value)
- EasyRdf_Graph::deleteLiteral in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Delete a literal value from a property of a resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::deleteResource in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Delete a resource from a property of another resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::deleteSingleProperty in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Delete a property (or optionally just a specific value)
- EasyRdf_Graph::dumpResource in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Return a human readable view of a resource and its properties
- EasyRdf_Graph::get in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get a single value for a property of a resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::getSingleProperty in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get a single value for a property of a resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::hasProperty in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Check to see if a property exists for a resource.
- EasyRdf_Graph::isA in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Check if a resource is of the specified type
- EasyRdf_Graph::label in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get a human readable label for a resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::load in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Load RDF data into the graph from a URI.
- EasyRdf_Graph::parse in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Parse some RDF data into the graph object.
- EasyRdf_Graph::primaryTopic in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get the primary topic of the graph
- EasyRdf_Graph::properties in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get a list of all the shortened property names (qnames) for a resource.
- EasyRdf_Graph::propertyUris in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get a list of the full URIs for the properties of a resource.
- EasyRdf_Graph::resource in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get or create a resource stored in a graph
- EasyRdf_Graph::reversePropertyUris in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get a list of the full URIs for the properties that point to a resource.
- EasyRdf_Graph::set in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Set a value for a property
- EasyRdf_Graph::setType in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Change the rdf:type property for a resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::typeAsResource in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get the resource type of the graph as a EasyRdf_Resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::typesAsResources in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Get the resource types of the graph as a EasyRdf_Resource
- EasyRdf_Graph::__construct in vendor/
easyrdf/ easyrdf/ lib/ EasyRdf/ Graph.php - Constructor