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Topics in Zircon Profile 8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Description
Services and Dependency Injection Container Overview of the Dependency Injection Container and Services.
Standard filters Filters implemented by the Filter module.
State API Information about the State API.
Taxonomy indexing Functions to maintain taxonomy indexing.
Theme system overview Functions and templates for the user interface that themes can override.
Transliteration Transliterate from Unicode to US-ASCII
Typed Data API API for describing data based on a set of available data types.
Update API Updating minor versions of modules
User accounts, permissions, and roles API for user accounts, access checking, roles, and permissions.
Utility classes and functions Overview of utility classes and functions for developers.
Views access plugins Plugins to handle access checking for views.
Views area handler plugins Plugins governing areas of views, such as header, footer, and empty text.
Views argument default plugins Plugins for argument defaults in Views.
Views argument handlers Handler plugins for Views contextual filters.
Views argument validate plugins Plugins for validating views contextual filters.
Views cache plugins Plugins to handle Views caches.
Views display extender plugins Plugins that offer additional display options across display types.
Views display plugins Plugins to handle the overall display of views.
Views exposed form plugins Plugins that handle validation, submission, and rendering of exposed forms.
Views field handler plugins Handler plugins for Views fields.
Views filter handler plugins Plugins that handle views filtering.
Views hooks Hooks that allow other modules to implement the Views API.
Views join handler plugins Handler plugins for Views table joins.
Views overview Overview of the Views module API
Views pager plugins Plugins to handle paging in views.
Views plugins Overview of views plugins
Views query plugins Plugins for views queries.
Views relationship handlers Plugins for handling views relationships.
Views row plugins Plugins that control how Views outputs an individual record.
Views sort handler plugins Plugins that handle sorting for Views.
Views style plugins Plugins that control how the collection of results is rendered in a view.
Views template files Describes various views templates & overriding options.
Views wizard plugins Plugins for Views wizards.


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