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UpdateRegistryTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0

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  1. 8 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Update/UpdateRegistryTest.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\Tests\Core\Update\UpdateRegistryTest.
namespace Drupal\Tests\Core\Update;

use Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueStoreInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\Core\Update\UpdateRegistry;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Update\UpdateRegistry
 * @group Update
 * Note we load code, so isolate the tests.
 * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
 * @preserveGlobalState disabled
class UpdateRegistryTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $settings = [];
    $settings['extension_discovery_scan_tests'] = TRUE;
    new Settings($settings);

   * Sets up some modules with some update functions.
  protected function setupBasicModules() {
    $info_a = <<<'EOS'
type: module
name: Module A
core: 8.x
    $info_b = <<<'EOS'
type: module
name: Module B
core: 8.x
    $module_a = <<<'EOS'

 * Module A update B.
function module_a_post_update_b() {

 * Module A update A.
function module_a_post_update_a() {

    $module_b = <<<'EOS'

 * Module B update A.
function module_b_post_update_a() {

      'sites' => [
        'default' => [
          'modules' => [
            'module_a' => [
              'module_a.post_update.php' => $module_a,
              '' => $info_a,
            'module_b' => [
              'module_b.post_update.php' => $module_b,
              '' => $info_b,

   * @covers ::getPendingUpdateFunctions
  public function testGetPendingUpdateFunctionsNoExistingUpdates() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
    $key_value = $key_value
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);
    ], $update_registry

   * @covers ::getPendingUpdateFunctions
  public function testGetPendingUpdateFunctionsWithLoadedModulesButNotEnabled() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
    $key_value = $key_value

    // Preload modules to ensure that ::getAvailableUpdateFunctions filters out
    // not enabled modules.
    include_once 'vfs://drupal/sites/default/modules/module_a/module_a.post_update.php';
    include_once 'vfs://drupal/sites/default/modules/module_b/module_b.post_update.php';
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);
    ], $update_registry

   * @covers ::getPendingUpdateFunctions
  public function testGetPendingUpdateFunctionsExistingUpdates() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
    $key_value = $key_value
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);
    ]), array_values($update_registry

   * @covers ::getPendingUpdateInformation
  public function testGetPendingUpdateInformation() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
    $key_value = $key_value
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);
    $expected = [];
    $expected['module_a']['pending']['a'] = 'Module A update A.';
    $expected['module_a']['pending']['b'] = 'Module A update B.';
    $expected['module_a']['start'] = 'a';
    $expected['module_b']['pending']['a'] = 'Module B update A.';
    $expected['module_b']['start'] = 'a';
      ->assertEquals($expected, $update_registry

   * @covers ::getPendingUpdateInformation
  public function testGetPendingUpdateInformationWithExistingUpdates() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
    $key_value = $key_value
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);
    $expected = [];
    $expected['module_a']['pending']['b'] = 'Module A update B.';
    $expected['module_a']['start'] = 'b';
    $expected['module_b']['pending']['a'] = 'Module B update A.';
    $expected['module_b']['start'] = 'a';
      ->assertEquals($expected, $update_registry

   * @covers ::getModuleUpdateFunctions
  public function testGetModuleUpdateFunctions() {
    $key_value = $this
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);
    ], array_values($update_registry
    ], array_values($update_registry

   * @covers ::registerInvokedUpdates
  public function testRegisterInvokedUpdatesWithoutExistingUpdates() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
      ->set('existing_updates', [
    $key_value = $key_value
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);

   * @covers ::registerInvokedUpdates
  public function testRegisterInvokedUpdatesWithMultiple() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
      ->set('existing_updates', [
    $key_value = $key_value
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);

   * @covers ::registerInvokedUpdates
  public function testRegisterInvokedUpdatesWithExistingUpdates() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
      ->set('existing_updates', [
    $key_value = $key_value
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);

   * @covers ::filterOutInvokedUpdatesByModule
  public function testFilterOutInvokedUpdatesByModule() {
    $key_value = $this
      ->get('existing_updates', [])
      ->set('existing_updates', [
    $key_value = $key_value
    $update_registry = new UpdateRegistry('vfs://drupal', 'sites/default', [
    ], $key_value, FALSE);



Namesort descending Description
UpdateRegistryTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Update\UpdateRegistry @group Update