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ValidateHostnameTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0

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  1. 8 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/DrupalKernel/ValidateHostnameTest.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\Tests\Core\DrupalKernel\ValidateHostnameTest.
namespace Drupal\Tests\Core\DrupalKernel;

use Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel
 * @group DrupalKernel
class ValidateHostnameTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * @covers ::validateHostname
   * @dataProvider providerTestValidateHostname
  public function testValidateHostname($hostname, $message, $expected = FALSE) {
    $server = [
      'HTTP_HOST' => $hostname,
    $request = new Request([], [], [], [], [], $server);
    $validated_hostname = DrupalKernel::validateHostname($request);
      ->assertSame($expected, $validated_hostname, $message);

   * Provides test data for testValidateHostname().
  public function providerTestValidateHostname() {
    $data = [];

    // Verifies that DrupalKernel::validateHostname() prevents invalid
    // characters per RFC 952/2181.
    $data[] = [
      'HTTP_HOST with / is invalid',
    $data[] = [
      'HTTP_HOST with / is invalid',
    $data[] = [
      'HTTP_HOST with \\ is invalid',
    $data[] = [
      'HTTP_HOST with &lt; is invalid',
    $data[] = [
      'HTTP_HOST with .. is invalid',

    // Verifies hostnames that are too long, or have too many parts are
    // invalid.
    $data[] = [
      str_repeat('x', 1000) . '',
      'HTTP_HOST with more than 1000 characters is invalid.',
    $data[] = [
      str_repeat('x.', 100) . '',
      'HTTP_HOST with more than 100 subdomains is invalid.',
    $data[] = [
      '' . str_repeat(':x', 100),
      'HTTP_HOST with more than 100 port separators is invalid.',

    // Verifies that a valid hostname is allowed.
    $data[] = [
      'Properly formed HTTP_HOST is valid.',

    // Verifies that using valid IP address for the hostname is allowed.
    $data[] = [
      'Properly formed HTTP_HOST with IPv4 address valid.',
    $data[] = [
      'Properly formed HTTP_HOST with IPv6 address valid.',

    // Verfies that the IPv6 loopback address is valid.
    $data[] = [
      'HTTP_HOST containing IPv6 loopback is valid.',
    return $data;



Namesort descending Description
ValidateHostnameTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel @group DrupalKernel