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FileStorageReadOnlyTest.php in Zircon Profile 8


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\Tests\Component\PhpStorage\FileStorageReadOnlyTest.
namespace Drupal\Tests\Component\PhpStorage;

use Drupal\Component\PhpStorage\FileStorage;
use Drupal\Component\PhpStorage\FileReadOnlyStorage;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\PhpStorage\FileReadOnlyStorage
 * @group Drupal
 * @group PhpStorage
class FileStorageReadOnlyTest extends PhpStorageTestBase {

   * Standard test settings to pass to storage instances.
   * @var array
  protected $standardSettings;

   * Read only test settings to pass to storage instances.
   * @var array
  protected $readonlyStorage;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->standardSettings = array(
      'directory' => $this->directory,
      'bin' => 'test',
    $this->readonlyStorage = array(
      'directory' => $this->directory,
      // Let this read from the bin where the other instance is writing.
      'bin' => 'test',

   * Tests writing with one class and reading with another.
  public function testReadOnly() {
    $php = new FileStorage($this->standardSettings);
    $name = $this
      ->randomMachineName() . '/' . $this
      ->randomMachineName() . '.php';

    // Find a global that doesn't exist.
    do {
      $random = mt_rand(10000, 100000);
    } while (isset($GLOBALS[$random]));

    // Write out a PHP file and ensure it's successfully loaded.
    $code = "<?php\n\$GLOBALS[{$random}] = TRUE;";
    $success = $php
      ->save($name, $code);
      ->assertSame($success, TRUE);
    $php_read = new FileReadOnlyStorage($this->readonlyStorage);

    // If the file was successfully loaded, it must also exist, but ensure the
    // exists() method returns that correctly.
      ->exists($name), TRUE);

    // Saving and deleting should always fail.
      ->save($name, $code));

   * @covers ::writeable
  public function testWriteable() {
    $php_read = new FileReadOnlyStorage($this->readonlyStorage);

   * @covers ::deleteAll
  public function testDeleteAll() {
    $php = new FileStorage($this->standardSettings);
    $name = $this
      ->randomMachineName() . '/' . $this
      ->randomMachineName() . '.php';

    // Find a global that doesn't exist.
    do {
      $random = mt_rand(10000, 100000);
    } while (isset($GLOBALS[$random]));

    // Write our the file so we can test deleting.
    $code = "<?php\n\$GLOBALS[{$random}] = TRUE;";
      ->save($name, $code));
    $php_read = new FileReadOnlyStorage($this->readonlyStorage);

    // Make sure directory exists prior to removal.
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($this->directory . '/test'), 'File storage directory does not exist.');
