You are here in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/profiles/standard/


View source
  1. name: Standard
  2. type: profile
  3. description: 'Install with commonly used features pre-configured.'
  4. # version: VERSION
  5. # core: 8.x
  6. dependencies:
  7. - node
  8. - history
  9. - block
  10. - breakpoint
  11. - ckeditor
  12. - color
  13. - config
  14. - comment
  15. - contextual
  16. - contact
  17. - menu_link_content
  18. - datetime
  19. - block_content
  20. - quickedit
  21. - editor
  22. - help
  23. - image
  24. - menu_ui
  25. - options
  26. - path
  27. - page_cache
  28. - dynamic_page_cache
  29. - taxonomy
  30. - dblog
  31. - search
  32. - shortcut
  33. - toolbar
  34. - field_ui
  35. - file
  36. - rdf
  37. - views
  38. - views_ui
  39. - tour
  40. - automated_cron
  41. themes:
  42. - bartik
  43. - seven
  44. # Information added by packaging script on 2015-11-19
  45. version: '8.0.0'
  46. core: '8.x'
  47. project: 'drupal'
  48. datestamp: 1447942689