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public function HandlerTest::testUICRUD in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/views_ui/src/Tests/HandlerTest.php \Drupal\views_ui\Tests\HandlerTest::testUICRUD()

Tests UI CRUD.


core/modules/views_ui/src/Tests/HandlerTest.php, line 88
Contains \Drupal\views_ui\Tests\HandlerTest.


Tests handler UI for views.




public function testUICRUD() {
  $handler_types = ViewExecutable::getHandlerTypes();
  foreach ($handler_types as $type => $type_info) {

    // Test adding handlers.
    $add_handler_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/add-handler/test_view_empty/default/{$type}";

    // Area handler types need to use a different handler.
    if (in_array($type, array(
    ))) {
        ->drupalPostForm($add_handler_url, array(
        'name[views.area]' => TRUE,
      ), t('Add and configure @handler', array(
        '@handler' => $type_info['ltitle'],
      $id = 'area';
      $edit_handler_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/handler/test_view_empty/default/{$type}/{$id}";
    elseif ($type == 'relationship') {
        ->drupalPostForm($add_handler_url, array(
        'name[views_test_data.uid]' => TRUE,
      ), t('Add and configure @handler', array(
        '@handler' => $type_info['ltitle'],
      $id = 'uid';
      $edit_handler_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/handler/test_view_empty/default/{$type}/{$id}";
    else {
        ->drupalPostForm($add_handler_url, array(
        'name[views_test_data.job]' => TRUE,
      ), t('Add and configure @handler', array(
        '@handler' => $type_info['ltitle'],
      $id = 'job';
      $edit_handler_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/handler/test_view_empty/default/{$type}/{$id}";
      ->assertUrl($edit_handler_url, array(), 'The user got redirected to the handler edit form.');
    $random_label = $this
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(
      'options[admin_label]' => $random_label,
    ), t('Apply'));
      ->assertUrl('admin/structure/views/view/test_view_empty/edit/default', array(), 'The user got redirected to the views edit form.');
      ->assertLinkByHref($edit_handler_url, 0, 'The handler edit link appears in the UI.');
    $links = $this
      ->xpath('//a[starts-with(normalize-space(text()), :label)]', array(
      ':label' => $random_label,
      ->assertTrue(isset($links[0]), 'The handler edit link has the right label');

    // Save the view and have a look whether the handler was added as expected.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
    $view = $this->container
    $display = $view
      ->assertTrue(isset($display['display_options'][$type_info['plural']][$id]), 'Ensure the field was added to the view itself.');

    // Remove the item and check that it's removed
      ->drupalPostForm($edit_handler_url, array(), t('Remove'));
      ->assertNoLinkByHref($edit_handler_url, 0, 'The handler edit link does not appears in the UI after removing.');
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
    $view = $this->container
    $display = $view
      ->assertFalse(isset($display['display_options'][$type_info['plural']][$id]), 'Ensure the field was removed from the view itself.');

  // Test adding a field of the user table using the uid relationship.
  $type_info = $handler_types['relationship'];
  $add_handler_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/add-handler/test_view_empty/default/relationship";
    ->drupalPostForm($add_handler_url, array(
    'name[views_test_data.uid]' => TRUE,
  ), t('Add and configure @handler', array(
    '@handler' => $type_info['ltitle'],
  $add_handler_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/add-handler/test_view_empty/default/field";
  $type_info = $handler_types['field'];
    ->drupalPostForm($add_handler_url, array(
    'name[]' => TRUE,
  ), t('Add and configure @handler', array(
    '@handler' => $type_info['ltitle'],
  $id = 'name';
  $edit_handler_url = "admin/structure/views/nojs/handler/test_view_empty/default/field/{$id}";
    ->assertUrl($edit_handler_url, array(), 'The user got redirected to the handler edit form.');
    ->assertFieldByName('options[relationship]', 'uid', 'Ensure the relationship select is filled with the UID relationship.');
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Apply'));
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
  $view = $this->container
  $display = $view
    ->assertTrue(isset($display['display_options'][$type_info['plural']][$id]), 'Ensure the field was added to the view itself.');