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function ExposedFormUITest::testExposedAdminUi in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/views_ui/src/Tests/ExposedFormUITest.php \Drupal\views_ui\Tests\ExposedFormUITest::testExposedAdminUi()

Tests the admin interface of exposed filter and sort items.


core/modules/views_ui/src/Tests/ExposedFormUITest.php, line 41
Contains \Drupal\views_ui\Tests\ExposedFormUITest.


Tests exposed forms UI functionality.




function testExposedAdminUi() {
  $edit = array();

  // Be sure that the button is called exposed.
    ->helperButtonHasLabel('edit-options-expose-button-button', t('Expose filter'));

  // The first time the filter UI is displayed, the operator and the
  // value forms should be shown.
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-operator-in', '', 'Operator In exists');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-operator-not-in', '', 'Operator Not In exists');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-value-page', '', 'Checkbox for Page exists');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-value-article', '', 'Checkbox for Article exists');

  // Click the Expose filter button.
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/views/nojs/handler/test_exposed_admin_ui/default/filter/type', $edit, t('Expose filter'));

  // Check the label of the expose button.
    ->helperButtonHasLabel('edit-options-expose-button-button', t('Hide filter'));

  // Check the label of the grouped exposed button
    ->helperButtonHasLabel('edit-options-group-button-button', t('Grouped filters'));

  // After exposing the filter, Operator and Value should be still here.
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-operator-in', '', 'Operator In exists');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-operator-not-in', '', 'Operator Not In exists');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-value-page', '', 'Checkbox for Page exists');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-value-article', '', 'Checkbox for Article exists');

  // Check the validations of the filter handler.
  $edit = array();
  $edit['options[expose][identifier]'] = '';
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Apply'));
    ->assertText(t('The identifier is required if the filter is exposed.'));
  $edit = array();
  $edit['options[expose][identifier]'] = 'value';
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Apply'));
    ->assertText(t('This identifier is not allowed.'));

  // Now check the sort criteria.
    ->helperButtonHasLabel('edit-options-expose-button-button', t('Expose sort'));
    ->assertNoFieldById('edit-options-expose-label', '', 'Make sure no label field is shown');

  // Click the Grouped Filters button.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Grouped filters'));

  // After click on 'Grouped Filters', the standard operator and value should
  // not be displayed.
    ->assertNoFieldById('edit-options-operator-in', '', 'Operator In not exists');
    ->assertNoFieldById('edit-options-operator-not-in', '', 'Operator Not In not exists');
    ->assertNoFieldById('edit-options-value-page', '', 'Checkbox for Page not exists');
    ->assertNoFieldById('edit-options-value-article', '', 'Checkbox for Article not exists');

  // Check that after click on 'Grouped Filters', a new button is shown to
  // add more items to the list.
    ->helperButtonHasLabel('edit-options-group-info-add-group', t('Add another item'));

  // Create a grouped filter
  $edit = array();
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][1][title]"] = 'Is Article';
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][1][value][article]"] = 'article';
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][2][title]"] = 'Is Page';
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][2][value][page]"] = TRUE;
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][3][title]"] = 'Is Page and Article';
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][3][value][article]"] = TRUE;
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][3][value][page]"] = TRUE;
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Apply'));

  // Select the empty operator, so the empty value should not trigger a form
  // error.
  $edit = array();
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][1][title]"] = $this
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][1][operator]"] = 'empty';
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Apply'));
    ->assertUrl('admin/structure/views/view/test_exposed_admin_ui/edit/default', array(), 'Validation did not run for the empty operator.');

  // Test the validation error message text is not shown.
    ->assertNoText(t('The value is required if title for this item is defined.'));

  // Validate that all the titles are defined for each group
  $edit = array();
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][1][title]"] = 'Is Article';
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][1][value][article]"] = TRUE;

  // This should trigger an error
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][2][title]"] = '';
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][2][value][page]"] = TRUE;
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][3][title]"] = 'Is Page and Article';
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][3][value][article]"] = TRUE;
  $edit["options[group_info][group_items][3][value][page]"] = TRUE;
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Apply'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The title is required if value for this item is defined.'), 'Group items should have a title');

  // Un-expose the filter.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Hide filter'));

  // After Un-exposing the filter, Operator and Value should be shown again.
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-operator-in', '', 'Operator In exists after hide filter');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-operator-not-in', '', 'Operator Not In exists after hide filter');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-value-page', '', 'Checkbox for Page exists after hide filter');
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-value-article', '', 'Checkbox for Article exists after hide filter');

  // Click the Expose sort button.
  $edit = array();
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/views/nojs/handler/test_exposed_admin_ui/default/sort/created', $edit, t('Expose sort'));

  // Check the label of the expose button.
    ->helperButtonHasLabel('edit-options-expose-button-button', t('Hide sort'));
    ->assertFieldById('edit-options-expose-label', '', 'Make sure a label field is shown');

  // Test adding a new exposed sort criteria.
  $view_id = $this
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'name[node_field_data.created]' => 1,
  ], t('Add and configure @handler', [
    '@handler' => t('sort criteria'),
    ->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="options[order]" and @checked="checked"]', 'ASC', 'The default order is set.');

  // Change the order and expose the sort.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'options[order]' => 'DESC',
  ], t('Apply'));
    ->drupalPostForm("admin/structure/views/nojs/handler/{$view_id}/default/sort/created", [], t('Expose sort'));
    ->assertFieldByXPath('//input[@name="options[order]" and @checked="checked"]', 'DESC');
    ->assertFieldByName('options[expose][label]', 'Authored on', 'The default label is set.');

  // Change the label and save the view.
  $edit = [
    'options[expose][label]' => $this
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Apply'));
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Save'));

  // Check that the values were saved.
  $display = View::load($view_id)
    ->assertEqual($display['display_options']['sorts']['created']['expose'], [
    'label' => $edit['options[expose][label]'],
    ->assertEqual($display['display_options']['sorts']['created']['order'], 'DESC');