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public function SearchIntegrationTest::testSearchIntegration in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/views/src/Tests/SearchIntegrationTest.php \Drupal\views\Tests\SearchIntegrationTest::testSearchIntegration()

Tests search integration.


core/modules/views/src/Tests/SearchIntegrationTest.php, line 36
Contains \Drupal\views\Tests\SearchIntegrationTest.


Tests search integration filters.




public function testSearchIntegration() {

  // Create a content type.
  $type = $this

  // Add three nodes, one containing the word "pizza", one containing
  // "sandwich", and one containing "cola is good with pizza". Make the
  // second node link to the first.
  $node['title'] = 'pizza';
  $node['body'] = array(
      'value' => 'pizza',
  $node['type'] = $type
  $node_url = $this
  $node['title'] = 'sandwich';
  $node['body'] = array(
      'value' => 'sandwich with a <a href="' . $node_url . '">link to first node</a>',
  $node['title'] = 'cola';
  $node['body'] = array(
      'value' => 'cola is good with pizza',
  $node['type'] = $type

  // Run cron so that the search index tables are updated.

  // Test the various views filters by visiting their pages.
  // These are in the test view 'test_search', and they just display the
  // titles of the nodes in the result, as links.
  // Page with a keyword filter of 'pizza'.

  // Page with a keyword argument, various argument values.
  // Verify that the correct nodes are shown, and only once.
    ->drupalGet('test-arg/pizza OR sandwich');
    ->drupalGet('test-arg/pizza sandwich OR cola');
    ->drupalGet('test-arg/cola pizza');
    ->drupalGet('test-arg/"cola is good"');

  // Test sorting.
  $node = [
    'title' => "Drupal's search rocks.",
    'type' => $type
  $node['title'] = "Drupal's search rocks <em>really</em> rocks!";
  $xpath = '//div[@class="views-row"]//a';

  /** @var \SimpleXMLElement[] $results */
  $results = $this
    ->assertEqual((string) $results[0], "Drupal's search rocks <em>really</em> rocks!");
    ->assertEqual((string) $results[1], "Drupal's search rocks.");
    ->assertEscaped("Drupal's search rocks <em>really</em> rocks!");

  // Test sorting with another set of titles.
  $node = [
    'title' => "Testing one two two two",
    'type' => $type
  $node['title'] = "Testing one one one";
  $xpath = '//div[@class="views-row"]//a';

  /** @var \SimpleXMLElement[] $results */
  $results = $this
    ->assertEqual((string) $results[0], "Testing one one one");
    ->assertEqual((string) $results[1], "Testing one two two two");