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public function DisplayFeedTest::testFeedOutput in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/views/src/Tests/Plugin/DisplayFeedTest.php \Drupal\views\Tests\Plugin\DisplayFeedTest::testFeedOutput()

Tests the rendered output.


core/modules/views/src/Tests/Plugin/DisplayFeedTest.php, line 46
Contains \Drupal\views\Tests\Plugin\DisplayFeedTest.


Tests the feed display plugin.




public function testFeedOutput() {
    'type' => 'page',

  // Verify a title with HTML entities is properly escaped.
  $node_title = 'This "cool" & "neat" article\'s title';
  $node = $this
    'title' => $node_title,
    'body' => [
      0 => [
        'value' => 'A paragraph',
        'format' => filter_default_format(),

  // Test the site name setting.
  $site_name = $this
    ->set('name', $site_name)
  $result = $this
    ->assertEqual($result[0], $site_name, 'The site title is used for the feed title.');
    ->assertEqual($result[1], $node_title, 'Node title with HTML entities displays correctly.');

  // Verify HTML is properly escaped in the description field.
    ->assertRaw('<p>A paragraph</p>');
  $view = $this->container
  $display =& $view
  $display['display_options']['sitename_title'] = 0;
  $result = $this
    ->assertEqual($result[0], 'test_display_feed', 'The display title is used for the feed title.');

  // Add a block display and attach the feed.
    ->newDisplay('block', NULL, 'test');
  $display =& $view
  $display['display_options']['displays']['test'] = 'test';

  // Test the feed display adds a feed icon to the block display.
  $feed_icon = $this
    ->cssSelect('div.view-id-test_display_feed a.feed-icon');
    ->assertTrue(strpos($feed_icon[0]['href'], 'test-feed-display.xml'), 'The feed icon was found.');

  // Test feed display attached to page display with arguments.
    ->drupalGet('test-feed-icon/' . $node
  $page_url = $this
  $icon_href = $this
    ->cssSelect('a.feed-icon[href *= "test-feed-icon"]')[0]['href'];
    ->assertEqual($icon_href, $page_url . '/feed', 'The feed icon was found.');
  $link_href = $this
    ->cssSelect('link[type = "application/rss+xml"][href *= "test-feed-icon"]')[0]['href'];
    ->assertEqual($link_href, $page_url . '/feed', 'The RSS link was found.');
  $feed_link = simplexml_load_string($this
    ->assertEqual($feed_link, $page_url, 'The channel link was found.');