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Combine.php in Zircon Profile 8.0

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  1. 8 core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Combine.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\Combine.
namespace Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter;

use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;

 * Filter handler which allows to search on multiple fields.
 * @ingroup views_field_handlers
 * @ViewsFilter("combine")
class Combine extends StringFilter {

   * @var views_plugin_query_default
  var $query;
  protected function defineOptions() {
    $options = parent::defineOptions();
    $options['fields'] = array(
      'default' => array(),
    return $options;
  public function buildOptionsForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    parent::buildOptionsForm($form, $form_state);

    // Allow to choose all fields as possible
    if ($this->view->style_plugin
      ->usesFields()) {
      $options = array();
      foreach ($this->view->display_handler
        ->getHandlers('field') as $name => $field) {
        $options[$name] = $field
      if ($options) {
        $form['fields'] = array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#title' => $this
            ->t('Choose fields to combine for filtering'),
          '#description' => $this
            ->t("This filter doesn't work for very special field handlers."),
          '#multiple' => TRUE,
          '#options' => $options,
          '#default_value' => $this->options['fields'],
      else {
          ->setErrorByName('', $this
          ->t('You have to add some fields to be able to use this filter.'));
  public function query() {
    $fields = array();

    // Only add the fields if they have a proper field and table alias.
    foreach ($this->options['fields'] as $id) {

      // Overridden fields can lead to fields missing from a display that are
      // still set in the non-overridden combined filter.
      if (!isset($this->view->field[$id])) {

        // If fields are no longer available that are needed to filter by, make
        // sure no results are shown to prevent displaying more then intended.
        $this->view->build_info['fail'] = TRUE;
      $field = $this->view->field[$id];

      // Always add the table of the selected fields to be sure a table alias exists.
      if (!empty($field->field_alias) && !empty($field->field_alias)) {
        $fields[] = "{$field->tableAlias}.{$field->realField}";
    if ($fields) {
      $count = count($fields);
      $separated_fields = array();
      foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
        $separated_fields[] = $field;
        if ($key < $count - 1) {
          $separated_fields[] = "' '";
      $expression = implode(', ', $separated_fields);
      $expression = "CONCAT_WS(' ', {$expression})";
      $info = $this
      if (!empty($info[$this->operator]['method'])) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validate() {
    $errors = parent::validate();
    $fields = $this->view->display_handler
    foreach ($this->options['fields'] as $id) {
      if (!isset($fields[$id])) {

        // Combined field filter only works with fields that are in the field
        // settings.
        $errors[] = $this
          ->t('Field %field set in %filter is not set in this display.', array(
          '%field' => $id,
          '%filter' => $this
    return $errors;

  // By default things like opEqual uses add_where, that doesn't support
  // complex expressions, so override all operators.
  function opEqual($expression) {
    $placeholder = $this
    $operator = $this
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} {$operator} {$placeholder}", array(
      $placeholder => $this->value,
  protected function opContains($expression) {
    $placeholder = $this
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} LIKE {$placeholder}", array(
      $placeholder => '%' . db_like($this->value) . '%',
  protected function opStartsWith($expression) {
    $placeholder = $this
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} LIKE {$placeholder}", array(
      $placeholder => db_like($this->value) . '%',
  protected function opNotStartsWith($expression) {
    $placeholder = $this
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} NOT LIKE {$placeholder}", array(
      $placeholder => db_like($this->value) . '%',
  protected function opEndsWith($expression) {
    $placeholder = $this
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} LIKE {$placeholder}", array(
      $placeholder => '%' . db_like($this->value),
  protected function opNotEndsWith($expression) {
    $placeholder = $this
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} NOT LIKE {$placeholder}", array(
      $placeholder => '%' . db_like($this->value),
  protected function opNotLike($expression) {
    $placeholder = $this
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} NOT LIKE {$placeholder}", array(
      $placeholder => '%' . db_like($this->value) . '%',
  protected function opRegex($expression) {
    $placeholder = $this
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} REGEXP {$placeholder}", array(
      $placeholder => $this->value,
  protected function opEmpty($expression) {
    if ($this->operator == 'empty') {
      $operator = "IS NULL";
    else {
      $operator = "IS NOT NULL";
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], "{$expression} {$operator}");



Namesort descending Description
Combine Filter handler which allows to search on multiple fields.