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protected function PathPluginBase::getRoute in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/PathPluginBase.php \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\PathPluginBase::getRoute()

Generates a route entry for a given view and display.


string $view_id: The ID of the view.

string $display_id: The current display ID.

Return value

\Symfony\Component\Routing\Route The route for the view.

2 calls to PathPluginBase::getRoute()
PathPluginBase::alterRoutes in core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/PathPluginBase.php
Alters a collection of routes and replaces definitions to the view.
PathPluginBase::collectRoutes in core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/PathPluginBase.php
Adds the route entry of a view to the collection.


core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/PathPluginBase.php, line 134
Contains \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\PathPluginBase.


The base display plugin for path/callbacks. This is used for pages and feeds.




protected function getRoute($view_id, $display_id) {
  $defaults = array(
    '_controller' => 'Drupal\\views\\Routing\\ViewPageController::handle',
    '_title' => $this->view
    'view_id' => $view_id,
    'display_id' => $display_id,
    '_view_display_show_admin_links' => $this

  // @todo How do we apply argument validation?
  $bits = explode('/', $this

  // @todo Figure out validation/argument loading.
  // Replace % with %views_arg for menu autoloading and add to the
  // page arguments so the argument actually comes through.
  $arg_counter = 0;
  $argument_ids = array_keys((array) $this
  $total_arguments = count($argument_ids);
  $argument_map = array();

  // Replace arguments in the views UI (defined via %) with parameters in
  // routes (defined via {}). As a name for the parameter use arg_$key, so
  // it can be pulled in the views controller from the request.
  foreach ($bits as $pos => $bit) {
    if ($bit == '%') {

      // Generate the name of the parameter using the key of the argument
      // handler.
      $arg_id = 'arg_' . $arg_counter++;
      $bits[$pos] = '{' . $arg_id . '}';
      $argument_map[$arg_id] = $arg_id;
    elseif (strpos($bit, '%') === 0) {

      // Use the name defined in the path.
      $parameter_name = substr($bit, 1);
      $arg_id = 'arg_' . $arg_counter++;
      $argument_map[$arg_id] = $parameter_name;
      $bits[$pos] = '{' . $parameter_name . '}';

  // Add missing arguments not defined in the path, but added as handler.
  while ($total_arguments - $arg_counter > 0) {
    $arg_id = 'arg_' . $arg_counter++;
    $bit = '{' . $arg_id . '}';

    // In contrast to the previous loop add the defaults here, as % was not
    // specified, which means the argument is optional.
    $defaults[$arg_id] = NULL;
    $argument_map[$arg_id] = $arg_id;
    $bits[] = $bit;

  // If this is to be a default tab, create the route for the parent path.
  if ($this
    ->isDefaultTabPath()) {
    $bit = array_pop($bits);
    if (empty($bits)) {
      $bits[] = $bit;
  $route_path = '/' . implode('/', $bits);
  $route = new Route($route_path, $defaults);

  // Add access check parameters to the route.
  $access_plugin = $this
  if (!isset($access_plugin)) {

    // @todo Do we want to support a default plugin in getPlugin itself?
    $access_plugin = Views::pluginManager('access')

  // Set the argument map, in order to support named parameters.
    ->setOption('_view_argument_map', $argument_map);
    ->setOption('_view_display_plugin_id', $this
    ->setOption('_view_display_plugin_class', get_called_class());
    ->setOption('_view_display_show_admin_links', $this

  // Store whether the view will return a response.
    ->setOption('returns_response', !empty($this
  return $route;