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public function DisplayPluginBase::getHandlers in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/DisplayPluginBase.php \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DisplayPluginBase::getHandlers()

Get a full array of handlers for $type. This caches them.

Return value


Overrides DisplayPluginInterface::getHandlers

9 calls to DisplayPluginBase::getHandlers()
DisplayPluginBase::calculateCacheMetadata in core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/DisplayPluginBase.php
Calculates the display's cache metadata by inspecting each handler/plugin.
DisplayPluginBase::getAllHandlers in core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/DisplayPluginBase.php
Gets all the handlers used by the display.
DisplayPluginBase::getFieldLabels in core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/DisplayPluginBase.php
Retrieves a list of fields for the current display.
DisplayPluginBase::getHandler in core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/DisplayPluginBase.php
Get the handler object for a single handler.
DisplayPluginBase::isIdentifierUnique in core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/DisplayPluginBase.php
Checks if the provided identifier is unique.

... See full list


core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/DisplayPluginBase.php, line 846
Contains \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DisplayPluginBase.


Base class for views display plugins.




public function &getHandlers($type) {
  if (!isset($this->handlers[$type])) {
    $this->handlers[$type] = array();
    $types = ViewExecutable::getHandlerTypes();
    $plural = $types[$type]['plural'];

    // Cast to an array so that if the display does not have any handlers of
    // this type there is no PHP error.
    foreach ((array) $this
      ->getOption($plural) as $id => $info) {

      // If this is during form submission and there are temporary options
      // which can only appear if the view is in the edit cache, use those
      // options instead. This is used for AJAX multi-step stuff.
      if ($this->view
        ->get('form_id') && isset($this->view->temporary_options[$type][$id])) {
        $info = $this->view->temporary_options[$type][$id];
      if ($info['id'] != $id) {
        $info['id'] = $id;

      // If aggregation is on, the group type might override the actual
      // handler that is in use. This piece of code checks that and,
      // if necessary, sets the override handler.
      $override = NULL;
      if ($this
        ->useGroupBy() && !empty($info['group_type'])) {
        if (empty($this->view->query)) {
        $aggregate = $this->view->query
        if (!empty($aggregate[$info['group_type']]['handler'][$type])) {
          $override = $aggregate[$info['group_type']]['handler'][$type];
      if (!empty($types[$type]['type'])) {
        $handler_type = $types[$type]['type'];
      else {
        $handler_type = $type;
      if ($handler = Views::handlerManager($handler_type)
        ->getHandler($info, $override)) {

        // Special override for area types so they know where they come from.
        if ($handler instanceof AreaPluginBase) {
          $handler->areaType = $type;
          ->init($this->view, $this, $info);
        $this->handlers[$type][$id] =& $handler;

      // Prevent reference problems.
  return $this->handlers[$type];