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UserAccountLinksTest.php in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/modules/user/src/Tests/UserAccountLinksTest.php




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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\user\Tests\UserAccountLinksTest.
namespace Drupal\user\Tests;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Tests user-account links.
 * @group user
class UserAccountLinksTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Make test-page default.
      ->set('page.front', '/test-page')

   * Tests the secondary menu.
  function testSecondaryMenu() {

    // Create a regular user.
    $user = $this

    // Log in and get the homepage.

    // For a logged-in user, expect the secondary menu to have links for "My
    // account" and "Log out".
    $link = $this
      ->xpath('//ul[@class=:menu_class]/li/a[contains(@href, :href) and text()=:text]', array(
      ':menu_class' => 'menu',
      ':href' => 'user',
      ':text' => 'My account',
      ->assertEqual(count($link), 1, 'My account link is in secondary menu.');
    $link = $this
      ->xpath('//ul[@class=:menu_class]/li/a[contains(@href, :href) and text()=:text]', array(
      ':menu_class' => 'menu',
      ':href' => 'user/logout',
      ':text' => 'Log out',
      ->assertEqual(count($link), 1, 'Log out link is in secondary menu.');

    // Log out and get the homepage.

    // For a logged-out user, expect the secondary menu to have a "Log in" link.
    $link = $this
      ->xpath('//ul[@class=:menu_class]/li/a[contains(@href, :href) and text()=:text]', array(
      ':menu_class' => 'menu',
      ':href' => 'user/login',
      ':text' => 'Log in',
      ->assertEqual(count($link), 1, 'Log in link is in secondary menu.');

   * Tests disabling the 'My account' link.
  function testDisabledAccountLink() {

    // Create an admin user and log in.
      'access administration pages',
      'administer menu',

    // Verify that the 'My account' link exists before we check for its
    // disappearance.
    $link = $this
      ->xpath('//ul[@class=:menu_class]/li/a[contains(@href, :href) and text()=:text]', array(
      ':menu_class' => 'menu',
      ':href' => 'user',
      ':text' => 'My account',
      ->assertEqual(count($link), 1, 'My account link is in the secondary menu.');

    // Verify that the 'My account' link is enabled. Do not assume the value of
    // auto-increment is 1. Use XPath to obtain input element id and name using
    // the consistent label text.
    $label = $this
      ->xpath('//label[contains(.,:text)]/@for', array(
      ':text' => 'Enable My account menu link',
      ->assertFieldChecked((string) $label[0], "The 'My account' link is enabled by default.");

    // Disable the 'My account' link.
    $edit['links[][enabled]'] = FALSE;
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/menu/manage/account', $edit, t('Save'));

    // Get the homepage.

    // Verify that the 'My account' link does not appear when disabled.
    $link = $this
      ->xpath('//ul[@class=:menu_class]/li/a[contains(@href, :href) and text()=:text]', array(
      ':menu_class' => 'menu',
      ':href' => 'user',
      ':text' => 'My account',
      ->assertEqual(count($link), 0, 'My account link is not in the secondary menu.');

   * Tests page title is set correctly on user account tabs.
  function testAccountPageTitles() {

    // Default page titles are suffixed with the site name - Drupal.
    $title_suffix = ' | Drupal';
      ->assertTitle('Log in' . $title_suffix, "Page title of /user is 'Log in'");
      ->assertTitle('Log in' . $title_suffix, "Page title of /user/login is 'Log in'");
      ->assertTitle('Create new account' . $title_suffix, "Page title of /user/register is 'Create new account' for anonymous users.");
      ->assertTitle('Reset your password' . $title_suffix, "Page title of /user/register is 'Reset your password' for anonymous users.");

    // Check the page title for registered users is "My Account" in menus.

    // After login, the client is redirected to /user.
      ->assertLink(t('My account'), 0, "Page title of /user is 'My Account' in menus for registered users");
      ->generate(''), 0);



Namesort descending Description
UserAccountLinksTest Tests user-account links.